We really do not know what is going on. The world of the soft target Christian nations is under attack by values that threaten to destroy families.
There are a number of causes. Family has been breaking down for a hundred years from the time of strict Victorian families of the start of the century to the strict but slightly swinging children born of soldiers returned from World War 1.
The boys went to fight in World War 2. Those who came back produced the baby boomer children who grew to make love not war in the Vietnam era. The family was poised to break as the result of the selfish values of many baby boomers. Some had been the flower children of Woodstock rock concert.
Out of the baby boomer generation came the drug taking and love making young people who brought gay and lesbian sex to the front during the Vietnam War.
Many activist gays and lesbians were of the baby boomer generation seeking sex with the next generation. Never say die. Take the old ladies and men working for AusAID and the UN gay and lesbian agenda.
Remember the song about love in San Francisco and lovely people with flowers in their hair. Fifteen years after the war ended, there was the beginning of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
Their grandchildren grew to be the young people of today who go out on binge drinking in the bars, fighting and being injured on the streets, making dates with mobile phones and telling lies to their parents.
Grandma had been married for 40 years to the same man. Now he is dead, she thinks she will end her days as a lesbian, stroking the breasts of some young girl and working as an AIDS consultant.
Young and old of the next millenium have pornography at the press of a button on mobile phone. With payment by credit card all perverts can buy videos of children being abused and tortured.
There is now sexual excitement in watching children suffer. On snuff movies they die. Mass killings of children in schools is a development from this sick trend.
Remember the boy who shot a number of school friends at a US school. They were all hit by head shots. He had become skilled in this by playing video games. He was acting out a fantasy.
The 1980s marked the start of the decline of family and the gay and lesbian rise. They took over from the communist threat though the parents did not realize what was happening. They have targeted the next generation.
Gays, lesbians and paedophiles are pushing a new view and values assisted by mobile phones, marijuana, pornography, alcohol, telling lies to parents, going on the streets, demanding money from parents and telling parents they have no authority. Please click:
They expect to be given what they want. They learned this from their parents, the children of the baby boomers.
There is no please, no thank-you, no sorry and no appreciation. Just give it to me dad. That is your responsibility. I do not have to show any appreciation.
My elder daughter in Australia was exactly like that. We have not spoken in 18 years. It may have been the influence of a few lesbian teachers at the high class school she went to.
The present generation is moving away from faith. It is all fairy stories. We see the religious right losing the presidential race of Mitt Romney. Churches are coming to be attended only by the grey haired brigade.
Young people are accepting gay and lesbian sex. God means nothing. Many parents do not recognise the evil hidden agenda.
Society is being restructured to leave the family out in the cold. Most kids just see a good time in the interim. They have rights and no responsibilities or morality. Cool.
Young people are accepting gay and lesbian sex. God means nothing. Many parents do not recognise the evil hidden agenda.
Society is being restructured to leave the family out in the cold. Most kids just see a good time in the interim. They have rights and no responsibilities or morality. Cool.
The gay and lesbian lobby is working to have gay and lesbian lifestyle education in schools. Children are coming to regard same sex relations as normal. They tell the kids they have rights while parents have only responsibilities. They want families to break up. Please click:
We have to fight not just for the now but for the next generation up to the 2020s. After that, who knows? The world may sink into a family broken mish mash of promiscuous sex and violence.
We have to fight not just for the now but for the next generation up to the 2020s. After that, who knows? The world may sink into a family broken mish mash of promiscuous sex and violence.
The Christian soft target nations are in trouble. But the gay and lesbian lobby is not doing well in the South Pacific. They are not invincible. Please click:
But we have to counter-act their focus on our kids. The kids are learning that their parents are homophobic.
Tell your sons of the joys of gay fisting. Ask your son what a boy should do when his anus is destroyed by a gay lover. What if his faeces leak all the time and he stinks? His friends at school call him stinky. Please click:

This has to be brutal and cause
permanent damage. Is this love
Are the men preparing the victim
to be cooked for Christmas dinner?
Stuffing goes in next.
Tell your son it is a beautiful expression
of love between two men.
Don't be so disgusting, dad.
Reverse psychology works sometimes.
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