As a senior head of the UN, Helen Clark has responsibility wider than her role as Head of UNDP. With support of the gay and lesbian agenda, she has another role as well.
She may have come to PNG to carry out damage control after a disastrous year for UN credibility. There has been a series of fake lesbian reports on violence of men to women.
She went to Kokopo and had lunch with Mr John Momis. Let us hope she apologized for the fake UN report on Bougainville men raping their wives.
Then there was the fake lesbian report on rapes in Gordons market in Port Moresby and the violence of men to women in the markets. Even the Minister for Police made public that there were no such rapes.
The key UN liar has been rogue lesbian Elizabeth Cox. She was the one who headed the team to survey the markets.
She was in town last week staying at the Holiday Inn. I did not tell my daughters she was here. They want to meet and bash her for spreading the false reports that their father was a violent child molesting wife beater.
Cox is the original liar and UN trouble maker. She will probably be awarded a UN medal for services to lesbian rights disguised as women's rights.
Clark would have come to town on the third day and met Ume Wainetti of the Family and Sexual Violence Committee.
She probably arranged the Oro dancers to meet Clark at the airport. Wainetti recently went public to announce that sorcery killings were gender based. She was sucking up to the Head of UNDP due to arrive.
That is the standard line of the lesbian experts on the 33rd floor of the UN building in New York. They ignore the men who die accused of sorcery killing.
Ian Wishart a New Zealand journalist refers to the lesbian anti-family agenda and the politics of gender that Clark follows.
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