Saturday 19 April 2014


In recent months, the UN has gone silent on violence of men to women in Papua New Guinea. They are allowing the pet care groups to spread the fake reports. Even the flying visit by Helen Clark has done little to change the response of the nation to fake reports.
Sorcery killing is not about men killing women. Men are dying too. There is little or no gender violence in Port Moresby markets as reported by the rogue lesbians.
Let the UN tell the Minister for Police that he is lying about the two rapes that he says did not happen that the UN reported in the fortnight last year before their rally in the Gordons market. They were priming the pump with a fake report. There were even fake witnesses in the media.
Let the UN tell the President of the Bougainville Autonomous Territory that he was lying about no UN survey in Bougainville. It was all the work of one elderly rogue UN lesbian and her friends.
The UN has gone silent after the visit of the Head of UNDP. Women's groups have gone silent. It seems that the European Union and Australian Government are giving more practical professional help.
It is time for all to focus on strengthening family. Let us tell the parents to ignore the UN Charter of Children's Rights that says children have the right of association. They need to be protected from paedophiles who prey on them. By the very definition, Children are under the age of consent.
Now there is a new line of attack. That is human trafficking. About a year ago, there were reports of children being trafficked.

They were (sob) moving furniture, chopping wood, collecting bottles and directing traffic. Poor (sob) dears. It sounds as if they were helping their parents. Such children are not seen around the town.

There would be five children begging in Port Moresby, mainly outside Big Rooster Chicken. Many are overfed after 10 meals a day from kind patrons.
Now we have the International Organization for Migration (IOM) working with the Department for Justics and funded by the US State Department starting to talk about domestic servitude, forced labour and prostitution. What is their address in Port Moresby?
They have been getting phone calls. So kids, if your parents want you to cut grass or cook food, ring up the IOM and report them for human trafficking. They want you on the streets not helping your family.

Let us not talk about young girls taking part in sex arranged by mobile phone. Never mention boys and girls involved in marijuana and homebrew parties. They are not being trafficked. Let IOM look at the working conditions in Chinese kai bars.

Let the IOM report on real trafficking not views from a car window as they speed around the streets of Port Moresby.

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