Wednesday 12 October 2016


Over the last 15 years, the churches of PNG have suffered intimidation at the hands of the foreign gays, lesbians and paedophiles of the United Nations and Australian Aid. 

A gay and lesbian agenda was to replace the Christian message. Heathen paedophiles had a secular message on (1) rights of women and girls (2) violence of men (3) condoms and (4) same sex marriage. The message still exists day by day.

Churches were bullied by the foreign lesbians and intimidated from preaching what the foreign activists wanted removed. 

Family and faith were no longer acceptable or relevant in modern society according to the gay paedophile Head of UNAIDS. He was the leader of the paedophile hate campaign.

The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea and Governors speak to the media on the close working relationship of churches with the Government. 

One Governor talks of the Hela provincial government tithing the churches. But the United Nations regards churches as the enemy. 

The churches support FAMILY and preach against what St Paul calls an abomination. No prizes for guessing.  There can only be winners and losers in this game.

But now the paralyzing influence of the foreign homosexuals has declined and the churches have taken ownership of the family message. Each week now there is a pastor speaking through the media of the love of God and the importance of family. 

Focus is on love, honesty and chastity.The churches are no longer afraid to speak out. There are no longer any gays or lesbians who can bully the clergy.

A pastor of the Seventh Day Adventist church said that the church will bluntly reject the same sex marriage legislation if it comes to parliament.

We are told the nation will suffer without the mark of the beast as quoted in Revelation. But the political situation in the Asian region means that neither Australia nor the United States can afford the risk of bullying Papua New Guinea into same sex marriage legislation. 

China and Russia would like to be the best friends of the nations of the Pacific. Papua New Guinea should be allowed to exercise national sovereignty on same sex marriage. Hospital ships are coming into the Pacific.

Family and faith are relevant to all people even the LGBTI people who still need the love of their parents, brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts. But the foreign gays and lesbians want them on the street not in the family.

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