Sunday 2 October 2016


The pressure is really on in Australia for legalization of gay and lesbian sex. The Government wants a plebiscite which is in the form of a national referendum. But the gays and lesbians do not want that as they know they would lose the vote across the nation. 

They want only a parliamentary vote that they can control and manipulate. That includes Opposition Leader and Kokoda trekker Bill Shorten and the Greens who are traditionally gay and lesbian formerly led by Bob Brown.

Now we read that a group of mothers of transvestite children say that their children will not survive if there is no same sex marriage legislation. What rubbish. 

Families have the major job to love their transvestite children and protect them from harm. But gays, lesbians and paedophiles think that FAMILY is the enemy.

There is so much rubbish that appears in the media. We read in the Papua New Guinea media that HIV infected gay men are afraid to go for treatment as they may be arrested by police. Whom do they think they are fooling? It has never happened and they know it.

Now we read in the Papua New Guinea Post Courier 3 October 2016 P.25 that Tasmanian teachers unions want LGBT training for teachers. They say there are so many children who need help and teachers are untrained. Gross exaggeration.

This is one step from introducing gay and lesbian sex into the school curriculum to tell all students that gay and lesbian lifestyle is beautiful and creative. Tasmania is planning to go the way of Massachusetts in making gay and lesbian sex the major focus of education. Please click:

LGBT movement working to mandate “gay history” in schools across ...
Sep 18, 2014 - gay history” in schools across California and in Massachusetts.

No mention will be made of early death through damaged anuses and gut parasites. Gay men lead the world in HIV infection and infection through gut parasites. Please click:

Shigella dysentery on the rise among gay and bisexual men - Press ... gay men/

Jan 30, 2014 - PHE raising awareness of Shigella infection risk among gay 
and bisexual men. Shigella is a serious gut infection causing severe ...

Papua New Guinea is one step away from introducing changes to the Marriage Act with legalization of gay and lesbian sex. The Marriage Committee will have been by-passed. 

This will be the result of pressure from the foreign gay, lesbian and paedophile activists desperate for access to sex with PNG children.

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