Sunday 26 November 2017


Modern psychologists talk of the sense of intrinsic worth of the human being. From childhood a young person is loved by family for who they are. They do not have to do anything to earn that love. It is there in the hearts of family members.

Mother and father love her because she is Mary. She makes them happy because of the way she is. She smiles and laughs, goes to sleep snuggled up in her parents’ arms and plays with her brothers and sisters.

She has intrinsic value in the family. As she grows older she smiles, helps her parents, never tells lies and looks after her brothers and sisters. She always makes family members happy and they make her happy.

But all of this can be destroyed if this child and any other child suffers from abuse at the hands of family members. The child can be robbed of the sense of intrinsic worth. A parent is supposed to help the child to grow and to feel good about herself.

Both parents have an important role. A young girl needs the love and acceptance of both the mother and father. 

The mother is the female who helps her little girl to grow to be a woman. The father is the man who helps her to value herself as a female among men and boys. Brothers and sisters play the same role in the growth of their sister.

But a father destroys all this by having sex with a son or daughter. Girls are the main victims. The child is robbed of her sense of intrinsic worth. She has value to her father not because of who she is but because she sucks his penis and allows him to penetrate her vagina.

As the child matures and understands what is going on, her sense of worth is destroyed. She is not a person or a young girl any more. What does her father think of her if he treats her like this? Is she a piece of dog shit?

The girls learns that acceptance by her father comes with performing sex acts. She may lose the confidence to be a young woman but sees herself as a family sex worker.
She has to perform to have worth in her father’s eyes. She sees herself as having no worth. Her mother knows she is being abused but will not take any action. If her husband goes to prison, the family will have no money.
Intrinsic worth can be destroyed by fathers, uncles, brothers, step-fathers and grand-fathers. They are destroying the soul of a young person.

Damage can be done also by priests, teachers and scout-masters. There are reports of young children committing suicide as they grow older. The act of sex abuse stays with the child all through life.

In reporting that a child is ready for sex at early age, the paedophile creep Dr Albert Kinsey destroyed childhood for so many young people and put them in the hands of paedophiles. His work is still regarded as valid in the world of child molesters.

So too Scientologist L. Ron Hubbard supported the satanic message of Kinsey by the teaching that children are reincarnated adults. They can be treated as adults which implies sex with paedophile adults.

Intrinsic worth can be destroyed by racism if a young child sees no personal worth having been born a nigger.

Families must seek to give intrinsic worth to their LGBT children and protect them from exploitation by paedophiles.

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