Monday 13 November 2017


The worst child abuse comes with abuse of trust from fathers, uncles and grand-parents.

It is difficult to explain child abuse from the point of view of a small child. The child knows nothing about sex. They have no idea of what an adult is doing to their body and have no idea of fear, anger or surprise.

The child has no idea of sexual intercourse and the function of the parts of the body. The child may cry if there is pain.

We have to understand that sexual intercourse occurs between two consenting adults though younger teenage children may be involved. 

There is what is called the age of awareness at which the child knows what sex is and is able to give consent.

The person is aware of how sexual stimulation takes place and that there is pleasure involved in the giving and receiving of sex between consenting partners.

A child knows nothing of this. Children often assume that an adult is doing right and makes no judgment at what is happening to their body.

As the child grows older and becomes aware of sex, there may now be anger and grief to look back at abuse that had occurred at an early age. For child molesters there is a time bomb ticking as a child grows to maturity.

Case study 1:  There was a report on Google on a young boy who joined the Boy Scouts in the USA. He was befriended by the scout master who seemed to know that the boy was from a broken home and needed a father figure.

But the scoutmaster started to sexually molest the boy. The boy became his sex slave. Several years later, the boy was in his 20s.

He remembered the abuse that he suffered and was angry. One day, he went to the home of the scout master and shot him to death. The boy went to prison.

Case study 2:  A policeman friend once told me of an incident in the town. A young man had seriously bashed an old man who visited his family. The bashing took place in front of horrified parents.

The police were called and the story unfolded. Years before the man visited the family and became friends with the young boy. The parents were delighted that the new uncle took the boy fishing and camping.

Then as the boy grew to be an adolescent, he said he no longer wanted to go with the man. The man ceased to come to the house.

Then years later, the boy had become a young man living in his own flat. He came home to his parents one day to find the man at the house. He was so angry that he punched him in the face and threw him down the stairs.

The parents were horrified to hear the story from their son that the man had been sexually abusing him on every fishing trip. The matter was put in the hands of the police.

Case study 3: A family in America were friends with the local parish priest. He was a family friend. The parents encouraged their young son to go to youth group and become an altar boy.

But as the boy grew older, he ceased to attend church. He became unhappy to the point that one day in his early 20s, he committed suicide having left a note for his parents.

They read that the boy had been sexually molested by the parish priest who had betrayed the trust as a priest and friend of the family.

Case study 4: There was a report many years ago on TV 60 Minutes of a priest who had been molesting boys at the church school. He was met outside the school by a reporter who demanded to know why he was molesting boys.

The priest ran away from the reporter. That night he committed suicide.

There is a time bomb ticking for all child molesters. The explosion can occur when their victim is in teenage years or early adulthood. And the paedophile creep Dr Albert Kinsey wrote reports in the 1940s to say that children are ready for sex at an early age.

The Scientologists tell us that small children are reincarnated adults with the implication that they can have sex with adults without parental knowledge. 

There have been reports on the TV expose on Scientology of children in the cult who have died. Did they commit suicide after being taken from the parents and abused?

The UN paedophiles told the PNG community that children have rights and one is the right of association with adults. No mention was made of responsibilities. 

Like the Scientologists, the UN paedophiles want to break up family and destroy the authority of parents.

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