Tuesday 26 June 2018


Stigma and Discrimination is an anti-family message by foreign paedophiles of the UN and AusAID to damage the image of families faced with a loved one with HIV infection. 

The paedophiles are making a false report on matters they cannot possibly know about. They do not go among the people except to nightclubs looking for young boys and girls to take home as lovers.

We read reports of less than 49% of HIV sufferers on antiretroviral drugs. That means that they live in loving supportive families who want them to live on and be happy. 

There would be more than this but the people concerned have no access to antiretrovitral (ARV) medication in the rural highlands.

Of course there will be some stigma and discrimination but in most cases loving families have a wide range of responses to the reality of an HIV positive loved one.

There will be sadness, stress, depression, disappointment, compassion, frustration, fear, love, hurt and support. There may be anger at a young daughter’s betrayal in secret sexual contact with men.

There will be disappointment in the knowledge that their lovely HIV positive daughter will stay at home and never marry.

She has a child who may or may not be HIV positive. This will be a cause of stress. A son will have problems in finding an HIV negative wife.

The parents may fear they will have no one to look after them in old age if their daughter or son is their only child and HIV positive. They fear for the future of their HIV positive child when they the parents die.

The family will look after the daughter for the rest of her life. They may support her to study to start her new life. She may stay to look after the house.

There will be no marriage in the future and no bride price. It was hoped the bride price would send their children to university. That will all change now.

There may be anger against her husband who they know is HIV positive and made their daughter infected too. This is not a matter of stigma but of anger at adultery.

A family may blame their son’s wife for his HIV positive infection. She has been secretly having sex outside her marriage. 

It may be that she is innocent and infected by her husband who has pushed the blame on to her.

But the fact is that the 49% of HIV sufferers are being cared for by family who make sure they go to the care group for resupply of medication and live a positive life with nutrition, clean water, exercise and peace.

The daughter stays at home and looks after the house. She is now on regular ARV and lives a normal life. She studies, does the shopping in town and looks after her child and parents.

She has been on ARV for two years now and the family has almost forgotten her positive status. She is still the loving daughter and sister they have always known.

Foreign paedophiles want to destroy the image of families under a blanket message of stigma and discrimination.

Recently the thug leader of I Gat Hop Elaripe announced to the media that most people suffer stigma, discrimination and violence at the hands of family. Liar. How would she know that?

She had been rejected by her own family for abandoning her HIV positive husband Max who died under a tree with AIDS. She was HIV positive and took his cousin into 3 Angels Care for nightly sex and he was HIV negative. 

The foreign paedophiles in UN and AusAID conspired with the 3 Angels Care thugs to steal the care centre to block the Family Positive Living training centre. They wanted no support for families. They wanted to control the children and groom them to be LGBT.

The conspiracy was at the hands of UN paedophiles Watson and Cox supported by AusAID thug Sharon Walker.

We may recall the fake report by the 3 Angels Care knife wielding thug Marabe who told the media that she saw families burying their HIV positive loved ones alive in the highlands. The report went viral.

She lost her memory when police interviewed her. She could not recall the village. Three Angels Care thugs are experts in memory loss when called to account for their words.

Ask I Gat Hop thug Elaripe to nominate a family that abuses their loved one with stigma and discrimination. She will have immediate memory loss.

Paedophile gays and lesbians are sexually and emotionally barren. They have no idea of the stresses and worries of loving parents. Loving children has nothing to do with genitals.

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