Tuesday 12 June 2018


The National 13 June 2018

Foreign advisors struggle to find issues so they make up fake news. They would have reason to report if small children were slaving in opal mines or making bricks as in Mexico and India.

There is a report in the media today on child labour in Papua New Guinea that is identical to the same media report of two years ago. We denounced the earlier report as fake news. We do the same again.

The earlier report came from the UN lesbians on child labour and claimed that children were being forced to do street work, including vending, chopping firewood for sale, moving furniture, scavenging for scrap metal, gathering scrap food for pig feed and begging.

The same details appeared in The National today Page 8 reported by PNG Employers Federation director Florence Willie. Children directing traffic was not mentioned this time. Is Florence a national officer or just playing the foreign lesbian tune?

I recall watching out for child labour in Port Moresby as cited in the earlier report. But there was none.

These foolish foreign advisors know very little about child labour and can not differentiate with labour and daily help of children to their families. I have never seen children chopping wood in markets or directing traffic. Gathering scraps for pig feed is a new one.

I used to see children selling goods to the lines of cars in East Boroko but they were probably doing that without their parents' knowledge. The money earned if any went into cigarettes and drinks for themselves.

I recall kids who begged on the walkway going from the street above into down town Steamships. 

Kids would beg until they had enough money to dive into a kai bar for chips and Coca Cola. Then they would beg more for the next feed of chips and Coca Cola. That is what they did all day.

I have two little girls in my house related to my daughters. They clean the house, wash clothes, cook food and look after the small children. They are 13 and 12 years old. 

They are wonderful as the house could not exist without them. They insist on doing the work and receive a little pocket money. They will make great wives in future years able to carry out all the major functions of a house. 

The elder is a top grade 5 student at school.  I will send both on as far as they can go at school. That is life in this country that the foreign lesbians know nothing about. Paedophiles just want little girls and boys for sex not work.

Kids have to help their parents to run the family. Little girls have to help their mothers in the gardens. They have to do their turn serving in the family trade store. Little boys have to climb trees and throw stones. Haha.

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