Sunday 15 July 2018


Last weekend, my younger daughter found herself in the cells at Top Town police station.

She had been to a Chinese kai bar in the Buchanan building in Eriku and ordered soup and a meal.

But the waitress refused to give her soup and my daughters scolded her. The Chinese manager brought her soup.

The waitress abused her for causing her trouble. Later as my daughter left the kai bar, the thug waitress followed her out and tried to bash her.

My daughter defended herself after a year of Karate in Port Moresby. Three more waitresses came out and bashed her. The Chinese owner did not attempt to stop them.

The first I knew of it was when my daughter phoned from the police cells asking her dad to come and bail her out.

After the bashing, the female thug waitress phoned the police who came and arrested my daughter and put her in the cells for “insulting language”.

No mention was made of the violent attack of the thug waitresses.

I was told by the senior constable (two hooks) that the bail was K300. He told my daughter to come to collect her bail receipt on the Monday. There was no bail receipt issued on the Monday. The policeman said the Court would be on Wednesday.

I did not trust the constable who took the K300 and went to the District Court each day to check her name on the notice board.

There was no Court on Wednesday and no list on the notice board all week. My daughter met the thug waitress when she came to check who shouted her for not appearing in Court.

The thug waitress announced that my daughter was to pay a fine of K600. There was no Court but only bushkanaka justice at the hands of a rogue waitress.

Three days later, my daughter was met at her workplace by two constables obviously friends of the thug waitress and told that if she did not pay the K600 she would be arrested again.

This is what we may call out of Court police extortion. I was advised of the police threat by my elder daughter.

I thundered down to the kai bar to confront the Chinese manager and his thug waitresses who bashed my daughter.

The Chinese manager would not give his name nor confirm that he had a passport or work permit. He originally said he did not have a passport but changed his mind.

The thug waitress announced she would have me arrested probably by her friend the corrupt cop who came to the work place.

We arrived at the Top Town Police station to find her talking to a police first constable at the counter.

My elder daughter identified him as the policeman who threatened my daughter at the work place.

The issue died when we arrived and I talked about the violence that was directed at my daughter before her arrest for “insulting language”. This was pure lies and tricks by a kai bar waitress.

It is obvious that the bail money was stolen by the first constable who did not charge my daughter for Court hearing. He wanted to keep the money.

The thug waitress wanted her money which she probably planned to share with the two corrupt constables. So they made up their own Court finding and fine.

The plan was to steal bail money (K300) and a fake fine (K600) but it never happened, thanks to a father with detailed knowledge of the law.

This report will go on blog and be passed to the Police Station Commander at Top Town Police.

Bruce Copeland. 15 July 2018

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