Wednesday 18 July 2018


Recently I have told several neighbours of my HIV status. I recall that I was infected about 5 years ago and tested in 2017.

I have had nothing but friendship, regret, support and good-will from these dear people. They know I am a good man who has spent a life caring for his daughters and now his grand-sons.

One lady thanked me for confiding in her. I told her she could tell her friends. This is nothing like the fake news put out to the community by the UN, AusAID and I Gat Hop scumbags who blame families for stigma, discrimination and violence.

If there is stigma, discrimination and violence it is a response to those PLWHA who are anti-family, violent, trouble-making, sexually promiscuous both heterosexual or gay, boozing, marijuana smoking, home brew drinking and constantly opposing parents struggling to raise children in their families. 

The thugs of 3 Angels Care were in this category. It is too easy to blame parents for stigma, discrimination and violence. It shifts the blame away from the PLWHA trouble-makers. That then becomes the key message for I Gat Hop.

There are people who are HIV positive but living in a loving family, supporting family members, involved in the church, active in the community, working in a job, bringing home a wage for the family and being a role model for brothers and sisters.

Life for them goes on regardless. Being HIV positive sinks down to being a minor factor in their lives within perceptions of family and friends.

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