Wednesday 22 August 2012


There is a wonderful report on PNG Attitude written by Ganjiki Wayne with a comment by Michael Dom on the evolution of culture, morality and God awareness. Please click:

It should scratch us all where we itch particularly on the perceptions of race and superiority.

There has been a long journey of the human race in perceptions that one race is lower than we are and can be treated differently than we would have others do unto us.

Hitler believed in the superiority of the Aryan race. The Nazis produced a cephalic index that measured the angle between the jaw line and the forehead.

Aryans had a high index. Slavs were claimed to have a low index caused by jutting jaws and sloping foreheads.

Being neanderthal, they were sub-human and could be exterminated in the gas chambers.

Slavery grew on the belief that the black races of Africa were not human. Families could be taken and broken up like a cow and calves.

They need not be given faith awareness as they had no souls.

In so many countries, the land was taken from the original inhabitants on the basis that they had no houses and cultivation which showed they wasted the land.

Early European settlers to Australia believed that the aborigines were non-human and deserved to live and own land no more than the kangaroos. The land was 'terra nullius' or no man's land.

In some traditional clans in the world, their name means 'humans'. Does this mean that they believe that all other people are sub-human?

Or is it that in the isolation of their valley, they think they are the only humans who exist in the world?

There has been the belief among old timers in this Papua New Guinea that Tok Pisin is a lower form of language only able to express lower level ideas.

As a teacher of Tok Pisin at the RAAF School of Languages for 14 years, I found that those who undervalued Tok Pisin were often uneducated and not very bright.

That is a racism that has been part of PNG society. It is saying that the black race in this country can not think in abstract terms.

Skill in technical Tok Pisin required the speaker to break ideas down to component parts in the blink of a nerve impulse.

We need to consider the existence of the narrative parable style in many traditional societies. Jesus spoke in parables. He had a high intellect but explained in concrete terms.

We see another form of racism in the HIV/AIDS response in the hidden belief by foreign advisors that all PNG men are violent like wild dogs.

One supposedly official report stated that 60% of PNG men have been found to participate in gang rape at least once. Obviously wild animals.

There is a report in circulation for centuries from one Roman officer to his replacement in Britain telling him that the Britons can not be trained and can perform only the most menial tasks. Cheeky.

Ganjiki Wayne ventures into the origins of morality. Is morality man-made or God-made?

This is verging on a touchy subject in Papua New Guinea with the gay and lesbian propaganda that laws of sexuality are man-made, subject only to change.

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