Please accept that there is a pornographic photo on this blog. Apologies if you are deeply offended. This is gay anal fisting. Let us hope paedophiles do not do this to children. Could you imagine the damage that fisting does to an anus? Please click:
a fisted anus stays open - family positive living - aids holistics
Internet pornography may well have the effect of disgusting kids. It is beyond anything they have seen before. I feel pornography is ugly - not a moralistic judgment on my part but a gut feeling that pornography has nothing to recommend it. It has no class and is material to be read in the gutter.
There has been a massive change in the gay and lesbian profile across the soft Christian countries now that the United States Supreme Court has ruled in favour. But the same ruling has released massive plagues of rock spiders who claim the same rights as gays and lesbians.
a fisted anus stays open - family positive living - aids holistics
May 20, 2012 - A FISTED ANUS STAYS OPEN. Gay sex is intrusive and violent. It causes damage to the anuses of men and boys. The human anus is meant to .Internet pornography may well have the effect of disgusting kids. It is beyond anything they have seen before. I feel pornography is ugly - not a moralistic judgment on my part but a gut feeling that pornography has nothing to recommend it. It has no class and is material to be read in the gutter.
There has been a massive change in the gay and lesbian profile across the soft Christian countries now that the United States Supreme Court has ruled in favour. But the same ruling has released massive plagues of rock spiders who claim the same rights as gays and lesbians.
Rockspider is the name given to paedophiles who seek sex with children and now claim to be the saviours of small children starved of sex by their homophobic parents. The claim that grew from the writings of Alfred Kinsey says that all people from babies to adults have the right to sex with adults.
The gays and lesbians were always very careful about their public statements. They maintained focus on the rights of pure love between men and between women. We all have rights to love one another.
There was never mention of the dangers of gay sex from anal fisting, destroying anal wall lining, permanent damage to the anal sphincter, inability to hold faeces in the large intestine and rectum, gut parasites, destruction of the epithelial layer of the small intestine, destruction of the capacity to absorb nutrients and infection with HIV/AIDS.

But the paedophiles are making statements that destroy the gay and lesbian credibility. Given that many gays and lesbians are paedophile, there is a message coming out that will horrify the community. That is that all children have the right to sex.
The community in Papua New Guinea is talking about the Four Corners report in which a paedophile said that four year old children had the right to sex. One Australian said that the speaker needs his balls cut out with a blunt knife. Keep talking rockspiders.
The difference between gays/lesbians and paedophiles is that gays and lesbians have sex above the age of consent. When they put on the other hat, they want sex with children under the age of consent.
They want the age of consent removed as all children have the right to be abducted and have one night stands with adults before being dropped off on a street corner with five dollars in their hands and fear of the dark. They want paedophiles to be free to lure children out of internet chat rooms.
We have to understand that the more rights given to gays and lesbians, the greater the plagues of rock spiders descending on our children.
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