Je suis stupide
A year after the massacre of journalists and cartoonists of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, an editorial has been posted by the lunatic editor.
He was defending the right of the magazine to lampoon Mohammed, the chosen one of Allah. The blame, he pontificates, lies in the fact that there are not enough anti-Islamic messages in Europe.
This crazy brainless magazine blames every Moslem for the massacre. Even gentle Moslem families are guilty.
Was every German responsible for the genocide of Jews in 1944? Does it mean that modern Nazis have every right to go back to the hate campaign of Nazi Germany? Charlie Hebdo would defend their right.
This stupid magazine has freedom of speech but not the licence to lampoon and vilify what others regard as sacred.
How would the Christian world react if a Charlie Hebdo troglodyte decided to draw a cartoon for the front page depicting Jesus Christ as a pig hanging with faeces running down the cross?
If a group of Christian extremists attacked the office again, would every Christian be to blame?The lunatic editor would again defend the licence of the magazine to free speech. The educated public undoubtedly allows the magazine to remain unread on the newspaper stands.
Monthly hit tally: 192, 675

Monthly hit tally: 192, 675
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