Thursday 28 April 2016


So why is there a death zone for men in their 40s?

A family in this country can live on the best market food for very little expenditure. From the markets of major towns, a family can live on K6 ($A3.30) a day and eat well. 

They can buy sweet potatoes for K2, a bundle of greens (K1) sticks of broccoli (K1), two carrots (50t) and a bundle of beans (K1). A tin of fish may give the meat content.

But some families are lazy. They live on tinned fish and rice. That is more expensive than a trip to the market for vegetables. White rice is carbohydrate gunk. Its main role is to fill the stomach.

Every week we see public notices of men who died and look as if they are in their 40s. The photos in the death notice show they are fat. It means they ate fatty foods and worked in offices

They ate at restaurants and never exercised. They drove everywhere and never walked. They drank beer and smoked. They did not last past their late 40s. 

Their father in the highlands village may be 75 years old. He walks everywhere. He eats only garden food with little meat and drinks mainly water. He does not smoke or drink. He has the self discipline of a former age. He may also be Seventh Day Adventist.

Some families may have young boys who are teenagers. Their favourite pastime is to drink Coca Cola laced with alcoholic coffee punch sold by Vitis Industries. These Coca Cola drinking boys may be drunk, shouting and fighting every night. 

Vitis Industries had a journalist Thomas Hukahu taken to Court for defaming them about selling an alcoholic liquor to be drunk by underage young men and women. 

The finding of the Court is not known. The truth can be seen across the nation in the sales of alcoholic coffee punch. Let Vitis take AIDS Holistics to Court.

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