There is a report in the media of a chemistry teacher at Tambul High School in the Western Highlands preparing and serving a wine with ethanol and methanol. One student died and 14 others were admitted to hospital. The teacher was arrested.
There are reports in this country often in Bougainville of people dying or becoming blind from drinking home brew containing methanol or wood alcohol. It is poisonous. Please click:
Methanol Toxicity: Background, Etiology and Pathophysiology
Methanol, also known as wood alcohol, is a commonly used organic solvent that, because of its toxicity, can cause metabolic acidosis, neurologic sequelae, and even death, when ingested. It is a constituent of many commercially available industrial solvents and of poorly adulterated alcoholic beverages
The teacher should have known better. Methanol must not be taken as a drink in any form. It is a poison that causes acidosis and death. Foolish people think that because it is an alcohol, it can be drunk.
Latest media report is that the booze party was held at a village not the school. The role of the teacher in mixing the ingredients is being investigated. Only one student from the high school was involved.
It may be that some fool walked up to the ethanol drink container and poured in a bottle of methanol. All drinkers would be poisoned.
Monthly hit tally: 193, 294

Latest media report is that the booze party was held at a village not the school. The role of the teacher in mixing the ingredients is being investigated. Only one student from the high school was involved.
It may be that some fool walked up to the ethanol drink container and poured in a bottle of methanol. All drinkers would be poisoned.
Monthly hit tally: 193, 294
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