Sunday 5 June 2011


There was a large meeting of clergy in Port Moresby in the last week in which the UNAIDS speaker decided to lay down the spiritual law to the blackfellas. He only opened his mouth to change feet.

He told the clergy that there were two basic problems in the HIV/AIDS response. First there was the negative attitude of churches to condoms. Then there was the church attitude to sexual relations outside of marriage.

He explained that marriages will stay together if husbands and wives are able to go off and have sex with others. The uproar was immediate and furious. This was based on the gay and lesbian ethic that if you want it, it is OK.

There are two developments here. The United Nations is now seeking to sabotage the family unit in preparation for a gay and lesbian infrastructure being set up on the crushed church infrastructure.

So the United Nations is showing its spots. The speaker was followed up on the dais by the Minister for Community Development who is forgetting her ministerial responsibilities to become the spokesperson for the United Nations.

One day, the world will be in a gay and lesbian mess. If PNG churches remain resolute, these will become the mouse that roared as we saw in the 1950s movie of the same name.

Could we imagine our UN fool attending a conference in Saudi Arabia and telling the Moslems that they have to allow promiscuous sex in society?

The world gays and lesbians know that Christian nations are soft targets. They think that in the end, it will come down to funding. So the misionaries came to this shore over 100 years ago.

They brought the message of love of God. Now the next batch is coming to tell the clergy it is all wrong. These people are working to sabotage faith. They are telling the PNG clergy that it is all man-made.

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