What goes around comes around. Keith Jackson of PNG Attitude is crying aloud that Barracuda Central Reputation System has blocked his emails because of "poor reputation". Please click:
Is 'The National' playing dirty with my reputation?
He had been in contact with a journalist of The National newspaper and puts the blame squarely on the newspaper.
Perhaps the journalist was the one who sent hate mails to all about the founder of AIDS Holistics. See Great Lady Speaks Out below:
Jackson defended himself to Barracuda claiming that he is "occasionally critical"of The National.
That is the understatement of the year. Like his treatment of AIDS Holistics, he has been working to destroy the newspaper.
He once accused AIDS Holistics of attacking his blog which he followed up with a spate of hate mail on blog.
He was defending the Australian gay and lesbian agenda. Hate mail on PNG Attitude was rejected by faithful readers. Please click:
He is highly critical of The National in sacking Russell Soaba and Nou Vada and rejection of Martyn Namarong.
But he is blithely un-self critical at his own banning of any input of AIDS Holistics with direct and indirect vilification of the founder. Please click:
The report below sets out the basis of massive ill-feeling between Jackson and Rimbunan Hijau, owner of The National.
It shows why AIDS Holistics came to become an innocent victim blamed for hate mails sent out in support of Rimbunan Hijau.
The author of the report above was probably a journalist working for The National using my identity as a cover. Please click:
The report below sets out the basis of massive ill-feeling between Jackson and Rimbunan Hijau, owner of The National.
It shows why AIDS Holistics came to become an innocent victim blamed for hate mails sent out in support of Rimbunan Hijau.
The author of the report above was probably a journalist working for The National using my identity as a cover. Please click:
Positive Living is a national message. It is not Jackson's personal plaything. Still, he is being loyal to the expatriate gays and paedophiles.
Accolytes sprang to his defence with a little damage control. See report below.
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Jackson is not a very clever tactician. Inside every massive ego is the seed of its own destruction.
He should not have posted this report. Sorry overseas readers. But it is all part of the gay and lesbian big picture.
Is 'The National' playing dirty with my reputation?

Dylan, there is no problem with blocking an address because of persistent spam - it seems the right move to make. But why can't the message to the blocked address say just that, rather than the "poor reputation" line. I despair at the use of the English language.
Hi Keith - By poor reputation, Barracuda usually means it in a technical sense rather than personal (i.e. you are on an ip range that has been reported for spam - or has been infected with malware etc).
They can even end up blocking whole hosts for persistent issues. It also doesn't necessarily mean that the issues are to do with the person you have been emailing - as they use data reported in one area to help filter others.