Post Courier 12 November 2012 Nellie Setepano
Again by omissions, readers are fooled into believing that violence is man to woman only. Reality in the highlands is that men and women share the violence.
We read of a woman raped six times. We have to ask about her lifestyle. Is she a sex worker? Is she mentally disabled? Is she telling lies? Are the counsellors telling lies?

No cure without accurate diagnosis
There is a report about the high levels of social violence in the Papua New Guinea highlands. But the community is being brain washed into accepting that the violence is all about men to women.
Dr Karunaka is reported to have told Radio Australia that people come to the clinics with wounds from all sorts of violence.
Again by omissions, readers are fooled into believing that violence is man to woman only. Reality in the highlands is that men and women share the violence.
We read of a woman raped six times. We have to ask about her lifestyle. Is she a sex worker? Is she mentally disabled? Is she telling lies? Are the counsellors telling lies?
There are women who will not argue with a man without a rock in their hand, a bush knife or kitchen knife.
A favoured punishment that can be seen by all is for a rock to smash the front window of husband's new car. The girl friend will see it too, even if he does not have one.
The best husbands are white men. They are cowards and will not fight back. They just want to talk rather than fight. This is a view held by some women.
White men have no wantoks to come around to defend them if the wife brings her uncles and brothers to bash the husband up.
They are also frightened with threats of deportation. White men are basically stupid as well as cowards. They believe anything.
Men may often bash a wife purely in self defence. His fist reached her face before her rock reached his skull. His punch made her let go of his testicles. But women are bashed by cruel husbands too.
Readers are told that between September 2009 and October 2011, Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) and Tari hospitals reported 1471 survivors of intimate partner violence.
That is less than two per day. No mention is made of the ratio of men to women. In the highlands, there is a high level of violence of women towards their men.
This is what you will get if you are ever unfaithful. Whack.
There are highlands women who bash their husband even on the suspicion of infidelity. It is a strategy designed to intimidate even good husbands from ever thinking of adultery.
In the Enga Province, there are reports of women and girls drinking homebrew and smoking marijuana. That would help the violence. Many women in villages prefer to play cards than cook the evening meal.
MSF appears to have an anti-man gay and lesbian agenda. The one time leader of the Australian gays and lesbians Professor Michael Toole is a director of MSF.
Remember Nellie Setepano. She was the journalist who wrote last year that 60% of PNG men confess to group sex that was most likely gang rape. She is forgiven as she got that statistic from MSF.
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