Wednesday 4 March 2015


Kenapa - Mengapa ( why?)

buku saya ada di atas meja? ( my book is on the table)
mereka sedang duduk di bawah pohon? ( they are sitting under the tree)
kelompak serdadu ada di seberang sungai? ( group of soldiers is across the river)
kita duduk di depan? ( we sit in front)
dia berjalan ke bawah pohon yang tinggi itu? ( he walked under the tall tree)
mereka berjalan-kaki di belakang?  (they walked at the back)

Kata orang ( People say that)

tiada ada banyak makanan (there is not a lot of food)
masih ada banyak uang ( there is still much money)
selalu ada air yang bersih ( there is always clean water)
ini hal yang tidak begitu penting (this matter is not very important)
peristiwa tak terjadi ( the event did not happen)
penyakit HIV/AIDS belum selesai ( HIV/AIDS pandemic not yet finished)

Sudah jelas bahwa ( It is already clear that)

dia tak akan berhasil ( he /she will not succeed)
ini keadaan yang ruwet ( this is a complicated matter)
orang itu sakit ( that person is sick)
mereka tak akan datang ( they will not come)
semua anak sudah berangkat ( all the children have left)

Kalau begitu ( If so)

saya tak akan ke sana ( I will go over there)
mungkin saya akan bersama mereka ( possibly I will accompany them)
mereka tak akan diberitahukan ( they will not be advised)
dia bersalah ( he was in error)
semua orang sudah tahu ( all the people already know)

Maafkan saya ( Excuse me)

ada dua wanita di pintu (there are two women at the door)
lihatlah orang yang sedang menyanyi ( see the person singing)
itu buku anak saya ( that’s my child’s book)
ini bukan buku saya ( This is not my book)
anak ini tak mau kembali (this child does not want to return)

Seperti saya katakan tadi: ( As I said earlier)

Mobil itu milik teman saya ( that car belongs to my friend)
Itu bukan mobil baru ( it is not a new car)
itu tidak begitu baru ( it is not really new)
rumah itu agak jauh dari sini (that house is quite far from here)
semua anak mesti disuntikan ( all children must be vaccinated)

Umpamanya ( for example)

ada bankak orang di sini ( there are many people here)
ada dua anak yang sakit sekarang ini ( there are two children sick here now)
saya sudah berkunjung ke sana beberapa kali ( I visited there many times)
tiada penyakit di desa sekarang ( there is no sickness in the village now)
ada banyak peristiwa di daerah ini ( there are many events in this area)

Namun dimikian ( Even so)

saya tak akan naik mobil ( I will still not go by car)
dia masih akan bekerja keras ( he will still work hard)
selalu ada beberapa orang yang datang ( there are still many people coming)
dia masih teman saya ( he/she is still my friend)
mereka bekerja dalam angin yang sengit( they worked in the violent wind)
ini hari yang penting ( this is an important day)
mereka masih datang ke pesta ( they still came to the party)

Sesudah itu ( after that)

mereka tiba di rumah (they arrived at the house)
kita pulang ( we went home)
semua pelajar kembali ke sekolah ( all the students returned to school)
teman saya datang ke rumah sakit ( my friend returned to the hospital)
saya merasa agak sakit ( I felt quite sick)
tugas saya selesai ( my work finished)
buku dibuka ( the book was opened)

Bagaimana? (how is/ are was/will)

anak – anak sekolah? ( school children)
semua orang desa ( the village people)
kamu datang to sekolah? ( how did you come to school)
mobil say rusak? ( my car is damaged)
dia pindah sebegitu cepat? ( he/ she moved so quickly)
anak-anak dan isteri (the children and wife)

Dilaporkan bahwa ( It was reported that)

semua orang tewas di jalan raya ( all the people were killed on the highway)
orang tua meninggal (dunia) pada hari Sabtu (the old man died on Saturday)
gunung berapi akan meletus ( the volcano will erupt)
penyakit HIV/AIDS masih berkobar-kobar ( HIV/AIDS pandemic still rages)
musim hujan akan selesai pada bulan depan (rainy season will end next month)
saya pindah ke kota pada minggu yang lalu ( I moved to town last week)
serangan mulai terhadap para orang desa ( attack started against villagers)
dia berbicara terhadap saya ( he spoke against me)
ini hal yang berbelit-belit ( this is a complicated matter)
itu keadaan yang genting ( that is a critical situation)

Diduga bahwa ( It is presumed that)

Kapal hilang di seberang kartulistewa ( the ship was lost across the equator)
ini proyek tentang melestarikan penyu ( it is a project about conserving turtles)
kapal hilang di bawah permukaan laut (ship was lost under the surface of the sea)
mereka melewati perbatasan ( they crossed the border)
ini kebakaran dimulai oleh para pemberontak ( this is a fire started by the rebels)

Jangan kwatir tentang ( Don’t worry about)

penyakit itu ( that sickness)
segala sesuatu ( everything)
dua anak yang tersesat di pasar ( the two children lost in the market)
bermacam-macam hal yang akan muncul ( various matters that will arise)
tamat dari sekolah ( graduating from school)
orang tua saya ( my parents)
hal-hal yang penting di seluruh dunia (important matters in the whole world)

Dilarang keras ( It is strongly forbidden to)

masuk ke dalam rumah (enter the house)
mencuri buah-buahan dan sayor-sayoran (steal fruit and vegetables)
menyebrangi sungai (cross the river)
minuman minuman keras di halaman rumah (drink liquor in the house yard)
masuk sebelum jam 6 pagi ( enter before 6 in the morning)
keluar sesudah jam 8 malam ( go out after 8 at night)

Moga-moga ( It is hoped that)

dia akan lekas sembuh ( he will soon get better)
mereka akan tiba cepat-cepat ( they will arrive quickly)
kereta api tak akan tiba lambat-lambat ( the train will not arrive slowly)
berita akan tersebar cepat-cepat ( the news will spread quickly)
dia tidak begitu cepat (he is not too slow)

Kapan? – (when)

dia akan tiba? ( he/she will arrive)
kapal tenggelam di bawah permukaan laut? ( the ship sank below the surface of the sea)
toko akan dibuka? (the shop will be opened)
orang tua meninggal? ( the old person died)
mereka tewas di jalan ( they were killed on the road)

Walaupun – Meskipun ( although)

sakit,  dia masih bekerja di sungai ( sick, he/she still worked in the river)
terlambat, mereka masih diizinkan masuk ( late, they were still allowed to enter)
sedih, orang itu tersenyum dan tertawa ( sad, that person smiled and laughed)
gemuk, gadis masih bisa berlari dengan cepat (fat, she was still able to run fast)
tua sekali, dia masih bangun pagi-pagi benar ( very old she still arose very early)

Mungkin saya akan ( perhaps I will)

bersama ibu saya ke kota ( accompany my wife to town)
membayar dulu ( pay first)
mandi di sungai ( bathe in the river)
membeli mobil baru ( buy a new car)
menjual mobil saya yang rusak ( sell my damaged car)
belajar di sekolah dulu ( study at school first)
membuka pintu ( open the door)
melepaskan diri melalui jendela ( escape (myself) through the window)
dinaikkan pangkat ( promoted in rank)

Sesungguhnya ( in truth)

ada beberapa orang yang mau ikut ( there are several people who want to accompany)
saya tertarik kepada wanita ini ( I am attracted to this young woman)
dia belum melahirkan anak ( she has not given birth)
anak belum lahir ( the child has not been born)
ini adat-istiadat yang ketinggalan zaman ( it is an out of date custom)
saya bosan ( I am bored)
saya belum menikah ( I am not married)
dia sudah kawin (he is already married)

Saya sadar akan ( I am aware of)

hal ini ( this matter)
beberapa perkara yang genting (several critical matters)
masalah ini yang sangat berbelit-belit (this problem is very complicated)
dua orang yang berpengalaman ini ( two people having this experience)
masalah ini yang sudah muncul ( this problem that has already arisen)
wanita itu yang agak cerdik ( that woman who is quite clever)

Kalau begitu ( if so)

marilah kita kembali ke pameran ( let us return to the show)
ini kesempatan yang baik ( this is a good opportunity)
semua pelajar bersalah ( all the students were in error)
tiada ke sempatan lain ( there is no other opportunity)
mereka akan kembali sebelum hari Senen ( they will return before Monday)

Sampai saat ini ( until this moment)

tiada hal yang sebegitu penting ( there was no matter so important)
saya tak peduli tentang hal-hal ini ( I did not care about these matters)
makan belum disiapkan ( the food was not yet prepared)
para guru belum siap (the teachers were not ready)
lulus dari sekolah penting ( graduating from school was important)

Selain dari itu ( apart from that)

mereka gagal dalam ujian ( they failed the exam)
ini jalan yang cocok ( it is a way that is appropriate)
mereka dekeluarkan daru sekolah ( they are expelled from school)
Bapak mau ikut? ( does Sir want to come?)
Ibu mau makan? ( does Madam want to eat)

Mungkin ( Perhaps)

itu tidak begitu baik (it was not very good)
saya akan ikut anak-anak saya ( I will accompany my children)
ini keadaan yang bisa diabaikan (this is a situation that can be ignored)
daging tak akan dijual di pasar ( meat will not be sold in the market)
dia sudah ditembak mati ( he was shot to death).
dia akan dinaikkan pangkat ( promoted in rank)

Ada kemungkinan bahwa ( There is a possibility that)

mereka datang sebelum minggu yang lalu ( they come before last week)
uang sudah dicuri ( the money has been stolen)
kapal tenggelam di laut ( the ship sank in the sea)
warta berita ini salah ( the news item was  wrong)
wartawan bersalah ( the journalist was in error)

Dalam kata lain ( in other words)

ini peristiwa yang penting ( this is an important event)
ini peristiwa yang paling penting ( it is the most important event)
pemerintah tak berhasil sama sekali ( Government did not succeed at all)
ini hasil yang kurang memuaskan ( it is a less that satisfying result)
ini giliran pemerintah ( it is the Government’s turn)

Bolehkah saya? ( May I)

masuk? ( enter)
minum kopi? (drink coffee)
makan di luar? ( eat outside)
ikut anak-anak ke pameran? ( accompany the children to the show)

Siapa yang akan? ( Who will)

naik bis dan kembali ke kota ( go by bus and return to the town)
ikut saya ke sekolah? ( accompany me to town)
mendapat uang dari kantor pos ( get money from the post office)
membawa buku ke kantor? ( carry the book to the office)
mencuci pakaian di sungai ( wash the clothes at the river)

Siapa mau? ( Who would like to)

ikut ibu ke desa? ( accompany the wife to the village)
melewati perbatasan? ( cross the border)
berdoa kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa? ( pray to the Almighty)
membeli makanan di toko? ( buy food at the store)
keluar dari halaman? ( go out of the yard)

Untunglah ( fortunately)

anak diselamatkan ( the child was saved)
semua serdadu selamat ( all the soldiers were safe)
They were saved (mereka diselamatkan)
mereka datang dari seluruh dunia (they came from all the world)
ini hal yang sudah dimaklumkan ( this is a matter already publicized)

Sayang sekali ( very unfortunately)

para penduuk tewas di desa (the citizens were killed in the village)
penyakit berkobar-kobar di seluruh dunia ( epidemic raged in all the world)
mereka dibunuh bulan yang lalu ( they were murdered last month)
mobil tak bisa diperbaiki ( the car could not be repaired)
wanita tak sembuh dengan segera (the woman did not heal quickly)

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