Post Courier Papua New Guinea 9 March 2015
We read in the media today that the President of the Indonesia Republic defends his decision to allow capital punishment on two Australian drug smugglers.
He pointed out that 4.5 million people in Indonesia need to be rehabilitated from drug use. He asked that we do not see the traffickers but also the impact of the drug trafficking.
He asked to please visit the drug rehabilitation centre when they are screaming from drug addiction. The question does arise as to whether or not the drugs were bought in Indonesia to be smuggled to Australia. Were drugs sold in Bali by the Bali 9 smugglers?
If not, the drugs were destined for Australia. Should this not mean that the convicted smugglers are punished by Australia not Indonesia? After all, the Australian Federal Police were involved in giving warning to the Indonesian authorities.
Let there be strong support between the police forces of the two countries. Australian wants to help Indonesia. Please click:
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15 hours ago - Kepada yang terhormat Bapak Joko Widodo Presiden Indonesia negara tetangga kami. .
Let there be strong support between the police forces of the two countries. Australian wants to help Indonesia. Please click:
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15 hours ago - Kepada yang terhormat Bapak Joko Widodo Presiden Indonesia negara tetangga kami. .
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