Wednesday 12 August 2015


It is also about child molesting. Children are to be free and equal to have sex with paedophiles. The plan of the paedophile agenda is to turn kids into sex workers once they have been taken out of control of their parents.

Post Courier 12 August 2015 

The United Nations has launched Pacific UN Free and Equal, a regional campaign against homophobia and transphobia. Sadly they have it wrong and they know it. The campaign has a deliberate double meaning. It includes kids.

The issues are far more deadly than people merely having gay fear. It is about adults wanting to have sex with our kids. Every child has an equal right to sex and has to be free to do what they want.

It is not about a transsexual wearing a dress to church as we read in the media yesterday. Nor is it about gay and transsexual men having fear of seeking medical support. Those are fabricated issues.

There are two levels of gay and lesbian propaganda. There is the level of all people having rights and gender equity. the fake propaganda message put out by UNAIDS. The real agenda is about sex with our children by paedophiles who now claim to have the same rights as gays and lesbians.

Their strategy is very similar to the propaganda of the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s. The Nazis wanted to protect the families of Germans from the greedy and depraved  Jews.

But the real target of the Nazis was the families of German citizens. Men and boys were put into uniform. Children reported their parents. The real targets of the paedophiles are the families of Pacific people. Hence the Pacific UN Free and Equal campaign. 

The founder of AIDS Holistics has recently had strange attacks from UNAIDS. It was suspicious but intended to silence AIDS Holistics for the Pacific UN Free and Equal campaign.

The letter from Switzerland stated that the founder had made unauthorized statements about UNAIDS. Unauthorized?? Does this mean the UN has authority over citizens of the world? Heil Hitler !!

The paedophile agenda in the world involves all people having rights to sex starting with small children.

The age of consent is to be removed to allow all children to have sex. Everyone are to be free and equal in their right to sex, even four year old children.

Gays and lesbians to have same sex marriage and adopt children. Churches to allow adultery to keep husbands and wives happy.

This report is unauthorized according to the threatening letter from Switzerland. They are invited to serve a Writ of Summons for defamation.

That will be posted on this blog. In this country, Writs of Summons regularly appear in the media. The founder of AIDS Holistics will add any defamatory statements that UNAIDS has forgotten. That is the least we can do.

UNAIDS has trapped itself and will not get out of the mess. Already over 600 PNG hits have been made on the last two reports with 300 in the Pacific. Some of the people can be fooled some of the time. Most of the people can not be fooled all the time. Sack the bitch.

UNAIDS should not make contact with AIDS Holistics. We are not recognised by the UN having been banned by the gay bitch Watson some 12 years ago. We do not exist.

The founder of AIDS Holistics is just a phantom cyber terrorist fighting for the rights of families. To his daughters and friends, he is just a sweet old pussycat.

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