Monday 24 August 2015


Paedophiles have a covenant with gays and lesbians.
The world is being misled by a half-clever campaign by the world gays, lesbians and paedophiles. The message of Sir Elton John is typical of misleading propaganda. But he might be so involved with music that he fails to see the real world.
They would be the only activists who have publicly defamed their critics and call them homophobic and transphobic. If we disagree with their agenda, that’s what we are.
The issue is quite complicated because of the two hats being worn. There is the gay and lesbian hat. Then there is the paedophile hat. Many gays and lesbians wear the two hats.
The issues are being brought together so that the gay and lesbian rights also means paedophile rights. After all many are the same people.
The 100% gays and lesbians focus on sex with adults. But the 70% gays and lesbians focus 30% on children.
Now the 30% - 100% paedophiles claim that they are part of gay and lesbian rights.
They are now saying that children are being abused because parents will not allow them to have sex with adults. It is the mission of the child molesters to change this.
All parents know is that they have to teach their children about stranger danger. What do you do if a man at the school gate wants to take you to your father who he says is in hospital?
What if a man calls your name and says he is your uncle and has been sent by your mother to drive you home? Hop into my car.
On two occasions, my elder daughter was stopped by a taxi driver while the male passenger tried to lure her into the back seat. She ran across a drain pipe and escaped.
Parents are warned never to put their child’s name on the school bag. The child will not have the sense to realise that the stranger is calling because he read the name on the bag.
That is the real paedophile situation. But these creeps are fooling themselves in the claim that they are protecting children from parental abuse.
The names homophobic and transphobic have been invented by the gay, lesbian and paedophile activists.
It is time for the families of the world to start a more realistic name. The name rock spiders is used mainly in prisons.
Let us start the name paedophobic. Families are being overrun because we do not fight.
It is time to fight. Paedophiles are the key target to come. That is accurate identification of the real enemy.

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