Sunday 18 June 2017


There was a report in the media recently of a PLWHA woman declaring that she became positive as a teenager and then went on to marry a negative man and give birth to three negative children.

This is very dangerous advice to make public. The implication is that antiretroviral medication made her viral load go to zero and allowed a man to have safe sex with her.

This may not always be true if she has been regularly defaulting on her medication even for a day. She is a advising negative men that they can have safe sex with a woman on ARV without a condom.

It may be that she has made her husband HIV positive but gives birth to HIV negative babies by continued ARV medication.

Other possibilities are that the husband uses a condom but makes her pregnant with a syringe full of semen or that he becomes infected but takes ARV soon after to destroy the virus in the blood.

The media must take care with the reliability of information on HIV/AIDS.

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