Tuesday 27 March 2012


We read on Google of the incidence of corrective rape of lesbians by men in South Africa. This is a matter that should horrify us all.

SOUTH AFRICA Law Failing Lesbians on "Corrective Rape"
ipsnews.net/africa/nota.asp?idnews=48279 Cached - Similar
7 Jul 2007 – There are no solid statistics for the frequency of what is
known as "corrective rape ". "While the problem has most certainly
existed for years, our ...

But there is more to all this than meets the eye. The gay and lesbian community are experts in the entire world for giving out misinformation. Who made up the word "corrective rape"?

Did the same people make up the word "homophobia"? In making up a word we also set down the meaning which may be false. Are all critics of gays and lesbians "homophobic"?

We are being told of men raping women because they feel threatened by being rejected by a woman in favour of a woman.

The advice is that they believe that lesbians are who they are because they have never had a good man. So rape is corrective training by real men.

This may be true in part. But it raises questions. Why do we read of lesbians being raped singly? We do not seem to read of pairs of lesbians being raped.

What happens to the other woman? Is the attack on the lesbian part of brothers, uncles and fathers rescuing a young woman from a lesbian? This would be a powerful way to warn the lesbian to keep away.

Gay and lesbian rights was never put to the people after the fall of apartheid. It was just included in the Constitution. There must be much community confusion and resentment. What of the gay and lesbian curriculum in schools?

Perhaps many men see corrective rape is the only way to defend their families, particularly the young boys and girls being preyed upon by gays and lesbians.

How do you stop a lesbian teacher from showing pornography to young students? School will not stop her. Rape her. A lesbian in South African book Pink Agenda was quoted from a brochure "This is war". So be it.

We read of a probable rescue of a young woman from an AusAID lesbian last year over the road from the Crowne Plaza hotel in Port Moresby.

The news report never mentioned the young girl who was left in the apartment car park while the AusAID woman ran away.

She was undoubtedly being rescued. There was no follow-up report that she had been harmed in any way.

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