Monday 23 July 2012


On the blog PNG Attitude, there is a report from one John Fowke believed to live in Papua New Guinea.

He wrote with a plan to prepare a report on the relationship of the Local level Governments to the National Governments.

Such a plan is not complicated though the gentleman does have a habit of complicating simple issues.

There are four levels of Government in Papua New Guinea.

There is the Local Level Government, Provincial and National Governments.

Then there is the electorate, a level in itself. Please click:

Development: The view of an ex-colonial masta

Developing nations have the same basic structure and associated problems. Please click:


In Papua New Guinea, support to the community is given from the funds of politicians in a process known to some as the national secret.

Massive funds are wasted every year on the divisions between the four levels. Please click:



Funding is piecemeal with non-existent forethought. Within provinces, there can be 4 electorates.

Who funds the road through the four electorates of the province?

Do four politicians pool their funds? Not likely. So the road does not get built or maintained.

No politician will fund any project in cooperation with another politician even from his own party.

He alone wants the credit. Besides, you never feed your neighbour's pigs as the old saying goes.

There are functions of Government in Papua New Guinea that belong to each level. A national plan based on these levels is quite absent.

So the DSIP funds end up being thrown at the wind.

So the K19 million given to each politician is to be duplicated, misused and wasted.

There will be provincial projects. But there will be provinces with 4 electorates. Who contributes?

The Governor of the province will support only his own electorate.

So where do DSIP funds fit in? The funds are outside the National, Provincial and Local Level Government functions.

After the election horse trading is over, there should be a month long planning session in which the politicians work out the needs of their electorate and decide on the division of funding.

DSIP funding is not distributed until the electorate plan is approved at local. provincial and national levels. It is not the private pocket money of politicians.

What if three electorates have three different companies to build the same road?

That will be three sets of bulldozers to start with.

As a national plan, it is like a large jig saw puzzle with each electorate, local level government and province having a plan that interlocks with every other electorate plan.

Then they do it.

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