Sunday 10 August 2014


I have lived in a Housing Commission unit for 8 years with an old Philippino man who has been sick, unemployed and unable to pay his rent. I have paid his rent, water, power, food and medical bills. He has been grateful but angry that he has been deserted by his son and daughter.

Last year, he went home to the Philippines for medical treatment leaving me as caretaker. But a family of criminals the Baragus was moved in by the son who tried their best to steal the house. But I stopped them.

I was given no help whatever by his daughter Marylou and have the very strong impression that she was supporting the house stealers. So the possibility was that the old man’s children were stealing their father’s lease and corruptly selling to a criminal.

Over those years, the unit was quietly the home office of AIDS Holistics. I gave support to many sufferers mainly with Positive Living advice for HIV/AIDS sufferers and medicine for TB victims.

I suffered during this time at the hands of the Baragu house stealers. Already I had suffered since 2002 from the hatred of the gays and lesbians of the National AIDS Campaign. They wanted to stop the FAMILY message.

So they spread that I was HIV positive, womaniser, violent, sex with prostitutes, child molester and wife beater. No mention was made that I was running AIDS Holistics with my own money and helping dozens of people.

But now, I was facing the Baragu house stealers who picked up the hate message from internet and hit me with the same gay and lesbian hatred. I had a dear lady at the time who we had found was TB positive.

I cared for her and she cared for me. The hate Baragus told the father that she was being abused. He came, bashed me and took her away from her TB treatment. She died 5 weeks later.

Every fortnight, I took her for a TB review with Dr Sapuri at Port Moresby International Hospital. I brought home fruit and vegetables for her from the market every day. She was in the 5th month of TB treatment.

Lesbian predator Elizabeth Cox played the same trick with the family of Linda who was dying of AIDS. I had looked after her for three years and thanks to Cox, the family came and took her away. Cox was the one who spread the word that I was a violent wife beating child molester.

But the Baragus failed to steal the house. The campaign to take the house fell to the niece Jill Kendy  who lived next door and intimidated me to leave with gross ongoing abuse and violence. She went further by calling on her rogue copper brother to arrest me. I ended up in the cells twice in a month.

The old Philippino man was not at home as he was sick and staying away. He came once on Remembrance Day and told my family that he loved us. He said we were his family.
But a letter surfaced that he wanted us evicted for bringing prostitutes  home and turning the unit into a brothel. He was under threat. On that basis we were evicted by NHEL and bullied by the gay officers. We have sought an ex parte judgment.

But we have been betrayed badly by the acting CEO of NHEL who is the aunty of neighbourhood bully Jill Kendy. Though she criticizes her on text messages, she does nothing to stop her violence and harassment. She allowed her to build a block of illegal flats at the back of the neighbouring unit.
She has turned a blind eye to her niece bribing NHEL and police officers into removing the neighbouring rent payer. After all it is a family matter - a Madeline and Jill family matter. Witnesses advise that she gave a large wad of K100 notes to the NHEL and police officers.

NHEL is corrupt. If they have no record of past rents paid, how can they demand money? Advice is that past records were destroyed to prevent investigation into rent monies stolen. We are advised by internal sources that the only record of rental paid is the receipts of tenants.
Yet a man down the road had his unit burned down and has build a temporary house on the site. The caring good woman Madeline has allowed NHEL to demand that he pulls the temporary house down, leaving his family homeless.

She will allow Jill to steal the old man’s house in cooperation with his daughter who has taken the old man’s mobile phones and hidden him away.

Perhaps CEO Madeline is a good woman totally out of her depth in dealing with housing corruption and unable to handle the bullying of the rat nest of gay officers of NHEL.

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