Monday 5 September 2016


Family, rights and responsibilities are official Education policy in Papua New Guinea. AIDS Holistics carried this across to the national AIDS campaign amid fierce opposition and hatred from foreign advisors. They were not stakeholders in family in this country.

For information of and greetings to UN Country Coordinator Mr Roy Trivedy

The key to study of Personal Development in Papua New Guinea schools is a focus on RIGHTS and RESPONSIBILITIES.

All people have rights and responsibilities in family, school, law, employment and everywhere else. In a family a person has the right to love, care, respect, dignity, privacy, freedom from fear and violence, food, shelter, clothes, medical care, education, employment and money.

All people particularly adults and older children in a family have the responsibility to give love, care, dignity, teaching of living skills, values, protection and access to healthy living.

This is the key to all essays that students will write on family. It all comes down to rights and responsibilities in relation to domestic violence, family planning, care of the family and protection of children from stranger danger.

Why has it been that the United Nations and Australian Aid advisors have always focused on rights of children and not on responsibilities? They want to break down the family and remove the authority of parents. 

They want to cause trouble in families. They want the community to consist of a loose collection of adults and children able to do whatever they want with all rights and no responsibilities just like gay, lesbian and paedophile activists.

Children have all rights that parents have to respect. They have the right to smoke, drink alcohol, go out at night, associate with any adult outside the home, have sex with any adult, be treated by a doctor without parental consent or knowledge, have abortions without parental knowledge. 

They have the rights to keep secrets from parents on where they have been and with whom they have associated, They have the right to tell lies to parents. 

As a teacher of Personal Development in schools, I find no disagreement between the Positive Living message on this blog and the Personal Development message in school curriculum of this country. The message is supported by the Constitution and PNG law.

Bruce Copeland BA BEdSt (Qld)
Personal Development, 
Biology and 
HIV/AIDS awareness

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