Wednesday 10 August 2011


There is chaos in the world. Nations are competing with nations. Religious groups are killing other people for a jumble of reasons  Criminals are destabilizing communities with selling drugs and by looting. In every violent situation involving activists, there may be many motivations.

Young people across the world are unhappy as they are in every generation. Unemployment and alienation of young people is a common catch cry. Nations are sitting on a powder keg ready to explode.

There are new players coming into the civil unrest. These are young children who have never been part of organized criminal activity before. They view the world as being separate from their family.

They are too young to be employed and unwilling to go to school. Many may be from well-to-do families but seek a life on the street at least while their parents are not in the house.

The recent media article in the Post Courier 11 August 2011 reported that rioters and looters in Manchester wore masks and scarves. Kids have never been in such danger from sadists and paedophiles.

The kids belong to the “rights and no responsibilities” generation. They have grown to adolescence on a diet of information that tells them they are their own bosses. They have been told that their parents have no authority over them. 

Many have contempt for the police. Teachers have to act carefully to avoid violence from students. The safest way is to support student rights and no responsibilities. Children are starting to threaten and attack teachers. Communication with peers is by mobile phone.

The temptation will be to blame the parents. But the modern mobile phone, Facebook and Twitter culture is beyond the capacity of parents to cope. In Philadelphia, children were arrested. Police told parents they would be prosecuted for letting their kids rampage the streets.

So the gay and lesbian UN Charter of Children's Rights says kids have the right to go out and associate. Police say parents have the responsibility to keep them at home. Parents can not win.

Kids have come through a sexual revolution that tells them that sex is available to all regardless of their age. Boys of 10 can have sex with girls of the same age or younger. The condom is their badge of graduation into sex. Paedophiles are waiting in the wings ready to benefit from their success in changing the hearts and minds of kids.

Kids have been liberated by the national HIV/AIDS responses that have brought more sex to the community not less. The silent partners of boys and girls are the previous generation of adults who are gays, lesbians and paedophiles preparing to take the kids out of families.

Kids may now realize that they have massive capacity to mobilize through messages passed by mobile phone. It is time to loot. Be at the City Park at 8.00pm. We move into town at 8.15pm. It will not take the police long to infiltrate the internet links.

There may be 5000 young boys arrive with groups of opportunistic adults. The evening shoppers will be shocked to find the stores invaded by hundreds of adults and young men and boys. The police can not handle the situation as many of the looters soon realize.

Society is protected by police only as long as the police can control the crowds. Once they can not, the city belongs to the looters.

Once the violence starts, looters will die. Dead kids will then alienate the parents. My son was innocent. He was on his way from doing his homework at the city library. But he was carrying a computer from a department store.

We have to say that this chaos will please the gay and lesbian activists. They may not be directly involved but have contributed to evolution of the rights and no responsibilities  generation.

They want the kids away from their families. They want the parents to have no authority over their kids. They want the kids to be shouting about rights. They want them to have no responsibilities to family and community. They want the kids.

They want to alienate the kids. Then they can take the pretty ones to bed. They have helped put large numbers of kids on to the streets by sabotaging their families.

Gays and lesbians will age from 60s to 20s. The older American activists will remember the chaos of the Vietnam protest. They remember the effect of the killing of young people at Kent State University.

To achieve change, they will move the activists from late teenager to pre-adolescence. Twelve year old looters provide a massive problem for the police. Do they shoot the kids or beat them with sticks? As it is, many kids will just disappear into the crowd.

We have read of kids fighting in the streets in Philadelphia over the last week. The looters in London ranged from adult to children. It will not take the kids long to realize that they can get away with looting and burning.

Murphy’s Law says that if kids can rally mobs of kids by mobile phone, they will. It is just a matter of time. It is just like a real life game of cops and robbers.

If the HIV/AIDS message to kids is that they have rights and responsibilities to family and community, if the families are supported, if education and the employment situation improve, then PNG may avoid the chaos of children fighting and looting.

Let us hope the cults of schools have been stopped. But that is probably only wishful thinking. The cult student leaders of PNG may be ready to launch this nation into chaos.

The new Government should legislate that it is a criminal offence for a person in authority to talk to children about rights and no responsibilities.

Foreign aid organizations should sign a contract that binds them to supporting parents and family. Then if they fail to do this, they can be charged, gaoled and deported.

If the AusAID and UN gay and lesbian activists had moved into this country with petrol bombs and guns, they could be classed as terrorists.

But they have worked to destroy the families instead and for this their remuneration package has approached half a million dollars. They have worked to change the hearts and minds of the kids against the parents.

We read of the Secretary of Education Dr Pagelio thanking AusAID and UNAIDS for their support to education.

Does he not know that the Coordinator of UNAIDS in Papua New Guinea based in Fiji was the gay man who set up the gay and lesbian agenda in PNG while working for AusAID in 2001.

He boasted of blocking AIDS Holistics at the Department of Labour. It was he who demanded that we remove FAMILY and FAITH from the Positive Living agenda supported by the lesbian present head of UN Women.

He is a criminal actively subverting the boys and girls of PNG. If working with the PNG Department of Education, he is planning on a rights and no responsibilities curriculum.

He joined AusAID as a gay English teacher at the University of Goroka. His gay strategy makes him a key mentor to student satanic cults. He is basically anti-family and anti-faith. He wants the boys on the street. We have media reports from UNAIDS that never refer to family, marriage, equity for men and parenting.

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