Monday 22 June 2020


Some two weeks ago about 30 elderly Chimbus assembled at the calling of small boy thug Manager Yaldiye to authorize his evicting my daughter, sons and father from the Chimbu lodge in Pitpit Street. She was being set up.

My daughter had been kicked out for sex with small boy Chimbu sex maniac Angu. It was convenient that he had been sent to the highlands. Yaldiye demanded the sons but my daughter refused on my behalf.

She was told by the assembled bush kanakas that they will come for her if the boys die. I will come for them if my daughter and sons die on the street with Coronavirus that is sure to come.

Some time ago, Yaldiye claimed that my second daughter should kill a pig with Angu at the grave of Nape to apologise for adultery of a second wife. Angu has been busy. My daughter was ready to accept him as her step-son. But he just wanted to fuck her.

He gives the appearance of a kind friendly man but who is a sex predator like his father. He preys on women among the tenants. His brain is on the end of his penis. In the one month he was seeking a relationship with AJ, Susan and Melissa. Then he tried his luck on his step mother.

This would get him sacked in any reputable hotel. Management preying on tenant girls. He had better move fast if I meet him on the street. Any family planning to be a tenant at Chimbu lodge in Waigani should take care if there are young daughters even as young as 13 years. 

So arsehole Nape had stolen my second daughter with what seems like sexual contact. No wonder he went out of his brain when I took my 14 year old daughter and put her in grade 10 at Busu High School.

She was running away from a paedophile as a little girl. He ordered me as a Chimbu chief to bring her back. I often told him to get back up in his tree, make a nest of leaves and go to sleep.

All young girls are in danger from the Nape paedophiles if families live at Chimbu lodge. Nape wanted my daughter to recruit her teenage school friends to work at the hotel. Securities would share the young girls.

But there is no work at the hotel for young girls - only sex. No vestibule, no bar, no dining area, no kitchen, no cleaners, no rubbish removers, no phones, no number in the phone book, no email and no office. It will close with arrival of Coronavirus in PNG and all the gamblers at the gate bring the infection inside.

What work for young girls? The pretty ones would end up in a Nape bed as 3rd-4th-5th wife. I forbade my daughter to recruit sex victims for Nape. We had conversations through the closed gate.

Why do senior paedophiles never go to prison - only the grass roots family men? What do you think Peter Barter?

So Yaldiye wants my two Copeland sons. The aging bush kanakas at the meeting said they would come for my daughter if the boys died. Not while her father is alive. They will have to kill him first.

I have news for these bush kanakas. My daughter went through teenage life as a trafficked little girl fucked by Jeffrey Nape. No bride price was paid nor child payment. I could not raise the police or welfare.

I hate to be a white man and teach PNG culture to Chimbus. But when no bride price nor child payment is made, the girl and children belong to the father. They do not have my permission ever to approach my daughter or grand sons.

I was prepared to let them stay as Napes if there was respect and honesty after the death of paedophile predator Nape. But there is not. All the adult Nape children get K4000 a month from rent. Rachael gets K1700 a month and she has two sons. The money usually never comes.

Now Rachael, sons and father are on the streets kicked out by a set up from a small boy trying to be  chief like his father.

This is the second time I have been kicked out by Chimbu scumbags. I ran an AIDS Care Centre at 5 mile until paedophile legal officer Bomal Gonapa had me evicted for running a brothel. He became legal officer for NHEL He was from Sina Sina Chimbu.

The last shit accusation was that Rachael and Angu had sex which killed Nape. The boy in charge of Chimbu Lodge has the autopsy report that remains secret. He has been accusing her for 4 years. Nape probably died from eating rubbish fatty food.

Produce the autopsy report arsehole.

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