Wednesday 20 July 2011


Over the years, we hear of stories of families with large numbers of children whose parents have died either through illness of a car accident.

Rather than have the family break up, the older children decided to take over as parents and look after the younger children. The older brother takes the role of father while his sister is the mother.

The new mother takes over the cooking, washing, cleaning, putting the children to bed and sending them to school. The new father worked part-time to help with money. There could be no talk of lack of freedom. Family was the primary focus

This is a difficult time as the younger children still cried for their parents but are looked after by older brothers and sisters. Life is very difficult for the family as even the older children may still be at school.

Other family, community groups and Centre link helped with money and goods. The local church provided support. We all learn that family has bonds that can outlast a crisis such as this. A family without parents can go on through love and shared responsibilities.

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