Sunday 17 July 2011


If you are anti-faith, anti-family, anti-men, anti-God, anti-marriage,
anti-parenting, then you will agree 100% with the view below. You
probably be working in UN or AusAID.

The way to destroy society is to kick God out. Kick out all that men claim to be the work of God. Faith is the first to go. Debunk faith in all its forms.

Tell the world that faith is man-made. It was put together to cement territorial claims. The greatest hoax is the claim that the land of Israel was the promised land. Men take women for wives as blessed by God. What a great trick.

Debunk creation. The world was not made in 7 days. Life evolved out of the warm seas. All of creation has evolved from the DNA to the complex processes of interaction of living creatures. God as Creator is a fairy story.

Marriage was not made by God. It was made by men as a way to control women and children. Do not recognize marriage. Men and women have the right to come and go and have sex with whomever they want.

Do not recognize family. Young people do not belong to other men and women. Children belong to us all. They have the right to come and go and live with any person.

Church is fake. It is an exercise in authority. Clergy have taken rights and authority of one who does not exist. All that comes from the churches is to be rejected. The Bible is just a collection of fairy stories. Priests tell stories to the stupid masses.

The bible tells us we can assault our children. That is against the Charter of Children’s Rights of the United Nations. The churches tell us our children have rights and responsibilities. They want us to enslave our children. The bible is wrong.

We are told whom we can have sex with. Men have made up false stories that say that men can only lie with women. They say this is the will of God. Men can lie with men if they want. Women can lie with women.

We are told that children are not ready for sex. That is not true. Children can have sex at any age. It is their right. Adults have the right to sex with children. It is discrimination to stop them.

So tell the people of the world to reject faith. It is a story for the stupid masses. We are free to do whatever we want to do. We can have sex with any person. Gay sex is not unnatural. It is the beautiful expression of love between two men.

When people pray they trick themselves. They talk to themselves and tell themselves what they want. Then they tell themselves that they have heard the word of God.

There is no such thing as sin. There is no right and wrong except what men have made up. You can do what you like and it does not matter.

26 Jun 2011 ... FAMILY POSITIVE LIVING - AIDS HOLISTICS. faith, hope, peace, love, truth, ...
GOD MADE ALL THINGS. Power in the Blood David Chilton ... - Cached - Similar

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