Friday 3 January 2014


After an eventful week avoiding the house stealers of 81 Garia Street, the caretaker received a series of text messages purportedly from the CID police division in Konedobu in Port Moresby.
The messages written in poor English advised that the caretaker was to remain at the house to be arrested on a charge of defamation of respected businessman Alan Baragu and family on the false claim of house stealing.

One text informed that the matter would not be discussed with me. It seems that my daughters had told the police that I was mentally ill.

Good try scumbags. You will still not be allowed to steal the house. The comment seems to be straight from the infertile brain of the Baragu wife Cathy.
The caretaker had disobeyed the directive of the AFP and 6 Mile police not to post internet reports on house stealing as this was causing stress to the family. I would be gaoled and deported.
Advice was also given that investigations would be made into the death of the daughter of a police officer Grace who was my wife and died of TB some two months ago. Please click:


The death of Grace was very much the work of the Baragu house stealing wife who did her best to destroy the relationship by telling Grace that she deserved more money.

She sabotaged a loving relationship to force the caretaker to move. Life was good until the Baragu family came to squat in the old man's house.

She destroyed the next woman who came to be house meri by telling her to run away as the caretaker was an HIV infected womaniser who killed women.

But the caretaker took the text messages to the 6 Mile Police station. The 2IC noted the number and phoned 70593860.

There was no response probably because I had texted to tell the anonymous fake police that their messages were on their way to the police station. The 2IC advised that this was not the work of police at CID.

It was the work of Alan Baragu making a last attempt to intimidate the caretaker and to have him run away in fear.

Impersonating a police officer is an offence. Why are the police to be involved in the civil case of defamation? If Baragu wants to take Court action, he is free to do so.

The Court can hear the evidence on both sides. But Baragu is guilty and does not want to go to Court. He steals houses. Ask the National Housing Corporation.

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