Wednesday 22 January 2014


Before reading this report, please open the report below to see the circumstances of the last night of my life with Grace.
She thought I was kicking her out by sending her to the village with K400. I had planned to send fortnightly money by mobile phone until she was ready to come back. Her health was not improving. Please click:
She started screaming and crying that I was abusing her. That was not true. She said I was kicking her out with no money.

She had just come from the room of the house stealer woman. The house stealing woman was always sabotaging our relationship and causing trouble. Please click:

Then she was talking and crying on the phone to her father. She always said she hated her father for his neglect and abuse as a child. He had taken her first daughter and would not give her back.
Grace was always in grief at the loss of her daughter. She would go out to the family house at Bomana to see her daughter only when her father was at work. Now she is talking to him on the phone and crying.
Did she ring him or did he ring her? If he rang her, it was in response to a call from the house stealer with the plan to have Grace removed. He had never rung her before. He came to the house 20 minutes later drunk with another policeman, bashed me and took Grace. Please click:


She did not take her clothes nor TB medicine. I never saw her again and she died 5 weeks later. If the house stealer knew the father's phone number, it supports the boastful claim that the father was being regularly (and criminally) informed by the house stealers with false reports of violence to Grace.
The house stealers claim to own 15 rental houses. If the father can confirm that he was being falsely told of violence by the house stealers, he should seek compensation from the house stealers.
They have the money to pay. They deliberately pushed Grace away from TB treatment by false reports to the father. The father should be ashamed that he allowed his daughter to die without checking. Let him take that guilt to his grave.
Grace did not deserve to be killed by her drunken father and murdered by house stealers. Her anger against her husband was regularly provoked by the house stealing woman to make the caretaker live alone and easier to remove from the house they planned to steal. Please click:


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ব্লগ দর্শকদের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে জনপ্রিয় দেশের গ্রাফ

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