Monday 14 August 2017


In 2002, AIDS Holistics horrified the foreign lesbians by opening a message on women's rights and gender equality while the lesbians were still focussing on condoms.

But the founder of AIDS Holistics was a man !! All men are the violent enemy said the lesbian paedophiles of AusAID and the UN. It was unthinkable that a man should lead the women's rights campaign. 

The lesbians went into damage control by spreading the word that the founder was a violent womanising child molester. They did not even know him.

But they did not do their homework. The founder of Positive Living was also a teacher of Personal Development in PNG schools at the levels of Grades 8-10. He had been promoting gender equality for several years in Morobe schools.

This was the foundation of the Positive Living message. The lesbian paedophiles wanted to take PNG women and children. 

Elizabeth Cox was the leading lesbian paedophile and is now working for Barnardos in Australia planning to have PNG children adopted by same sex couples in Australia. Please click:

Barnardos calls for same-sex adoption - Star Observer
Feb 25, 2009 - Eight percent of Barnardos foster carers were same-sex 
couples, adoption agreements with Australia would allow a same-
sex couple to .

With her tricks, there have undoubtedly been many PNG children already trafficked into paedophile beds in Australia. 

If PNG children are being stolen and trafficked to Australian paedophiles, Cox should be arrested, extradited, gaoled and her PNG citizenship revoked. Barnados should face the Australian Courts.

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