Wednesday 30 August 2017


There have been massive pressures on the US family over the last 150 years that continue to destabilize the US domestic scene.

Families have suffered massive dislocation from internal and external forces caused by invasion of settlers, genocide of Indian tribes, slavery and civil war followed by reconstruction that led to more bloodshed for slave families and white supporters. The Klu Klux Klan flourished and grows stronger even today.

There was continued segregation of African American families well into the last century. Many of us will remember the enrolment of James Meredith at Little Rock university. He had to be protected by a battalion of armed national guard. We recall the killing of white freedom riders travelling through the south by bus.

The nation was divided into the Republicans (North) and Democrats (South) though the lines have become blurred in recent decades with upward social and economic movement of African Americans and downward movement of many white families. Barack Obama was a Democrat while Donald Trump was Republican.

The period post World War 2 led on to the Korean and Vietnam Wars where white and black American soldiers fought and died beside one another.

There was a fear that the Communists would take over the world. This led to the CIA supporting right wing dictators in South America and Indo-China. 

Arms were supplied to rebels and dictators by the US Air Force. They brought back tons of cocaine to be passed to mafia cartels and sold on the streets of the USA particularly to the African American families. We see this at present on the History channel on cable TV.

Out of this era came the rise of Fidel Castro and the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion that cable TV now tells us was the direct cause of the assassination of John F Kennedy at the hands of anti-Castro survivors of the abortive invasion who blamed Kennedy for leaving them to their fate. 

The TV cable news reported that Castro stood by waiting for radio messages from agents in Dallas. A Cuban exile intelligence officer gave evidence to the investigation. But then another report stated that Kennedy was assassinated as he planned to advise the voters on the presence of aliens.

Out of the Vietnam War came the Hippy counter culture, Helter Skelter killings by Charles Manson followers and the flower people all high on LSD. That made a break of families with the past. LSD was also distributed by the CIA according to the cable TV reports.

Recent decades have seen further break-down on the US family with massive illegal immigration and the decline of the car industry. Cities like Detroit became almost like ghost towns that housed impoverished retired workers.

The car and computer industries declined as the result of competition from Asia and the outsourcng of car components.

A distressing aspect of the decline of the US family is the rise in serial killing mainly of women and children at the hands of heterosexual and gay paedophiles that gained strength through the gay and lesbian lobby. 

Young prostitutes are a special target particularly among the interstate truck drivers who take part in serial killing and dumping bodies over state borders.

A report on cable TV is that there are 10,000 serial killings in the USA every year with 5000 murders never solved. 

The USA is awash with cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, crystal meth and prescription drugs. The Mexican cartels set up by Pablo Escobar and El Chapo will long outlive their founders. Families are in decline when children and parents bcome drug addicts.

The over-riding need is for the FBI to curb the activities of the Klu Klux Klan, white supremacy groups. neo-Nazis and skin-heads. This is being done through the dangerous practice of infiltration. 

The view is being expressed that the USA is on the brink of civil war. Perhaps Cyclone Harvey was an act of God to bring all people together.

The USA and other nations of the world must protect the family from deliberate fragmentation from internal and external forces.

That is our role in Papua New Guinea. Families are in danger.

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