Sunday 20 August 2017


Message to paedophiles: Target detribalized communities. Destroy family authority and take the kids but keep away from Moslem kids. They are never detribalized but kept in order by Islam. But then refugee children from Syria are probably easy targets. You creeps.

People of the world descended from tribes over thousands of years. They developed culture and customs that held the tribes and families together often by punitive justice. But they stayed strong.

Then the agrarian and industrial revolutions of Europe drove the feudal family based village people into slums of cities to work in factories. Clan ties and culture broke down over centuries.

The people of Britain, Canada, United States, Russia, Australia, South Africa and Indo-China became detribalized by conquest, religious intolerance, racism, poverty, industrialization, slavery, war and invasion.

African, South American and Asian countries have been detribalized by conquest, slavery, cocaine and heroin. Heroin damaged families in Laos and Thailand during the Vietnam War. 

Jamaica and Guyana suffered from British slavery with thousands of people working on the sugar cane fields for absentee landlords making fortunes and destroying families.

Cuba and the USA suffered in the 1960-70s with the CIA promoted trafficking of LSD and cocaine particularly to the counter-culture of hippies who broke with families and are now middle aged parents of the next generation in detribalized USA.

LSD would have affected violence, mental illness, gay and lesbian lifestyles, serial killing and family solidarity across the USA.

South Africa was detribalized by apartheid and the employment of thousands of married men in the mines away from their homes. Lesbian culture has flourished.

The detribalized nations are falling victim to the gay and lesbian pandemic sweeping the soft target Christian world. Islam is holding families of the world together but with serious flaws as well in relation to personal freedom as seen by the Christian world.

Papua New Guinea has not yet suffered major detribalization even with the growth of cities and movement of village people to live in slums around the urban areas. 

Families are still strong but the UN gays and lesbians are working to destroy family unity. Men are blamed for all violence. Women are all blessed mothers who care only for their children.

But families are the targets of the foreign gay, lesbian and paedophile onslaught. AIDS Holistics has worked to protect the solidarity of families by constantly pre-empting the moves of the gay and lesbian lobby.

They are easy to pre-empt. Like the so-called Islamic State in Syria, the gay and lesbian lobby seeks to impose ignorance on the community. Their propaganda repeats the strategy of the Nazis of Germany. Their true agenda is hidden. 

The Green Party never revealed their gay and lesbian agenda in the last election and never won a single seat.

They promote rights of women and children with no mention of responsbilities. They seek to impose a message that places all blame on families.

The gay, lesbian and paedophile lobby wants families across the world to fall apart. We are lifting the people of this country and God is lifting us. Psalms 41 1:3. If God is for us, who can be against us. Families must stay strong.

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