Tuesday 15 August 2017


Foreign paedophiles wanted only negative messages about families. So they did their best to silence the Positive Living message and destroy the Copeland family - led by Watson, Cox, Barter and Nape.

I like to think my PNG family thrives by Positive Living, We do shout at one another occasionally but it usually lasts only five minutes.

My daughters have a loving white man for a father who hugs them every day and tells them they are loved.

We care for one another. We have been through so many problems together particularly the paedophile hate campaign and the theft of my elder daughter by Jeffrey Nape. 

I have been a single parent for most of their lives and we have learned to protect one another. They are ready to defend us if we are ever attacked again by foreign paedophiles.

I usually get a cup of coffee and bun in bed every morning and a plate of food while watching BBC News. There are always clean clothes hanging in my wardrobe. 

My Australian kids never did that. They were too busy taking to do any giving. Not so my PNG daughters.

I am proud of both girls who are young women now and tell me what to do. They buy me gifts on Mothers' Day. I am their mother and father.

Every fortnight I bring home money which I give to my elder daughter who pays all the bills. I trust her completely. She gives me daily spending money and talks cross if I go to the internet shop too often. Ssshhh.

I turn a blind eye to them using a little money to play cards. They are both card sharps. I hope they are able to complete their education and be independent before I die.

The UN paedophiles took years off my life with their false hate campaign. My daughters are putting the years back.

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