Wednesday, 21 December 2011


By Hon. Jamie Maxtone-Graham MP
Minister for Health and HIV/AIDS
Once an ugly duckling. Now a beautiful swan
Before you flush…take a look at your poop. If it takes you two, three, four or more days to have another bowel movement…..or you grunt and strain or pass wind….if you have pencil thin movements that smell to high heaven…..
Then this is an urgent message for you.
I decided to share this tragic story with you all after coming across a few MPs with similar complaints while camping at Sir Mekere’s house recently.
Ann’s story nearly broke my heart when I heard about it…and it motivated me to send you this urgent, lifesaving special bulletin that I caught on the net.
Let me tell you right now. Ann’s story does not end with a “happily ever after”. In fact, it is tragic. It did not have to happen at all. It could have been avoided.  I do not want it to happen to you or your loved one.
Ann was in her 40s. She had a weight problem most of her adult life and frequently experienced bowel problems. Problems from waste build up.
Pimples, sore throats, hay fever, sinus, eye and ear problems frequently result from mucous build up in your colon.
It is almost impossible to maintain a clear mind and proper mental and spiritual equilibrium when we allow the colon to go unattended.
Sometimes it would take her three, five, seven days or more to have a bowel movement. When she did, she experienced great pain. This went on for many years, then changes came.
The constipation finally stopped but now Ann started to experience loose stools. She struggled with chronic diarrhoea for more than 15 years. She took over the counter “pink stuff” prescribed by the doctor.

Then Ann died. 

Faecal matter was found in her mouth. Her colon was wide and hard like cement. It was so impacted with faecal matter that doctors had to break it apart with a chisel.

The pink stuff had been coating the lining of her colon and had closed the opening. Her diarrhoea was Nature’s way of keeping her alive.

With her colon closed, the faecal matter had nowhere to go so it back up into her throat and choked her to death.

The fact is that if you can not regularly and properly empty your bowels, it will eventually cause problems with every cell, organ and gland in your body.

Without daily elimination and colon cleansing your blood stream and lymph system can become overloaded with toxins and poisons through your whole body. Your tissues will be clogged up with disease causing mucous.

The symptoms are:

Occasional constipation, irritable bowels, intensely smelly faeces, embarrassing gas cramping, bloating, digestive stress, bad breath, straining in bowel movement and heart burn.

What do you do? Clean your colon. Daily bowel elimination and regular colon cleansing are the best things you can do for your body.

Eat more whole foods that are high in fibre – more fruits, vegetables, beans, brown rice, whole wheat bread and garden foods.

Meanwhile you need to stop sugar, refined white flour, white rice, meat and dauiry foods that contain zero fibre and are highly acidic.

I personally use Ultimate Colon Care Formula (UCCF)

African tribesmen experience rapid bowel transit of four to six hours compared to 50 or 60 hours of people eating a western diet.

Tribesmen experienced healthier bowels, stronger hearts, powerful digestive systems and regular elimination. What is their secret? Fibre.

While diets of rural Papua New Guinea are high in fibre, urban diets are extremely low in fibre and worse. Children live on almost zero fibre.

Just consider what our children have to eat – refined white flour, refined white sugar, dairy products, cakes, pastries, biscuits, bread, scones, ice cream and candy. These are all high sugar, zero fibre crapclogfood.

Just look at our so called staple diet – white rice, instant noodles, tinfish or tin meat again zero fibre, all animal meats, lamb flaps, chicken and fish have no fibre at all.  We drink all sorts of sugar drinks - daisy milk, cordial, soft drinks and ice blocks.

We must instead give our children more fibre rich foods, like fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, beans and grains.

Comment: In my family, there is rejoicing during the two mango seasons and the pineapple season. This is the bowel cleaning time for the family. During the year, we eat guavas, peanuts, kaukau and bananas. We drink clean water.

AIDS Holistics has written for many years of the problems of meat going rotten in the colon or large intestine.

We explain the sickness of pig bel that destroys the colon of highlands people who eat large amounts of half cooked fatty meat that goes rotten causing gas gangrene of the bowel.  The person usually dies

31 Mar 2011 – bel na man i no kam na lukim em. Em i no. kisim mani kam. Meri
 i no go bek long famili bilong em bikos ... Posted by HIV/AIDS: FAMILY POSITIVE
LIVING at 16:19 0 comments · Email ThisBlogThis! ... on the gut if we are to see importance
of nutrition. ... too much pig meat and other fatty meat. ...

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