Wednesday 28 May 2014


Thank you Mr Sike. Good night every one. This has been an exciting fortnight. The response to the talk on Latin roots raised a considerable response with TV viewers calling our phone number.

Most were parents who wanted their children to become involved with derivation from Latin roots and an increase in vocabulary. So many callers wanted more on Latin roots. So here we are again.

I have had no reference book on Latin roots over the years though now I find that much is recorded on Google. There is a report by Wikipedia Latin Words with English Derivatives. My recall had been from memory from the time of my childhood. That is Mastery Learning.

But tonight, I will give a list of 170 derived words. I will move quickly to provide a broad overview of Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes.

But let us preview prefixes first.

Ante before   antecedent, ante-room, ant-natal
Pre before – prescription, pre-history, precursor, preview
Anti-against – anti-aircraft gun, anti-corruption

Re – back or again – return, reiterate, review

Trans across - transfer, translate, transact, transparent.
De down – destroy, defeat, deploy, debase, determine

Post  after – post meridian,  post haste, postpone, postdate.

Inter between –international, intercontinental, inter-racial, inter-planetary

Now we review a list of suffixes.

ate - to make – rejuvenate, create, animate, excavate, motivate
ify  - to make – magnify, simplify, intensify, deify,
or er ist – one who – typist, sailor, tailor, killer, fighter, artist, driver
ion ation –the act of – translation, reaction, action, rejection, starvation.
Al - belonging to – national, medicinal, dental, mental, fundamental.

Now we move to the latin roots.

Aquus equal -  equality, equation, equator, equity, equivalent.
Anima  breath – animal, animate, animation.

Aqua  water- aquarium, aquatic, aqueduct, aquifer
Cado I fall – decadent, decay, decade, cadence.

Caro  flesh – carnal, incarnate, carnival, carnivore, reincarnation.
Cavus a cave – cave, cavity, excavate, concave

Cedo ( cessus) I go – proceed, procession, recede, precede, recession.
Curro (cursus)  I run – current, course, recur, cursory.

Clarus  clear – clarity, clarify, declaration, declare, clarion, claret.
Crux  a cross  - crucify, crucial, crusade, crucifixion.

Dens a tooth – dental, dentist, dentine, denture.
Facio ( factus) I make – factory, manufacture.

Fides  faith  - confide, Fido, confidential, fidelity, infidelity, infidel.
Finis the end – finish, final, finite, define, confine.

Frango (fractus) I break – fragile, fraction, fragment, fracture.
Ge the earth – geology, geography, geophysical.

Jacio ( jectus) I throw – reject, inject, conjecture, eject, project.
Magnus great – magnify, magnificent, magnate

Terra  earth – terra firma, terrestrial, Mediterranean, inter.
Traho  (tractus) I draw - extract, tractor, contract, protracted.

Mitto I send – omit, transmit, omission, commit, remit.

Moveo  I move – mobile, immobile, motive, motivation, motion.
Mare the sea – maritime, marine, mariner, Mare Mediterranee (Fr).

Manus  the hand – manual, manage, management, manuscript.
Pars (partus) a part – participle, parse, compartment, department.

Pes (pedus) a foot – pedal, pedestrian, impede, biped, quadruped, tripod.
Pono  I place – postpone, repose, depose, impose,
Scando I climb – ascend, ascent, descend, descent, scandal.

Volvo – I roll  - revolve, revolver, revolution, involved, convoluted.

If 175 latin based words can be presented in a TV program, just think of what could be achieved in a class over 40 periods a year.  One root derivation would take only 5 minutes.

Good night all.

Daily hit total: 149, 649
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