Saturday 3 May 2014


Topic 1. The reports from this time will focus on issues that may come up in the grade 10 and grade 12 written expression exams in 2014. Students are invited to read the reports and summarize the questions each in 200 words.
If we set down 12 reports on aspects of PNG, we may well have picked the questions on the exam paper in part or whole. Write in your own words and bring in what you already know.
1.  What is healthy living?
2.  What problems are churches facing in the modern era?
3.  Explain problems in the relationships between men and women.
4.  Explain problems some children have at school.
5.  Explain sorcery killing.
6.  What are the main problems facing the world today?
If you are able to write quickly and accurately on these and other topics, you will most likely pass the Written Expression Exam. Grade 10 is in June. Grade 12 is in August.
We have all known about Positive Living. Nations at peace have Positive Living as their core value. So much is tied up in Positive Living. We know that we should eat fruit and vegetables daily.

We have eaten meals of vegetables and meat with fruit salad as dessert. Our ancestors knew the basics of a healthy diet which they built into a modern middle class meal.

We are coming to know the importance of clean water and note the rise of the drinking of water even in high class restaurants.

The message is that smoking is disastrous for our health. Research is showing us that passive smoking damages the arteries of those who spend long periods of time breathing the smoke of other people.

Children can suffer thickening of the arteries from the smoke of their parents. They will die in adulthood from heart problems from their childhood.

There is a slow move towards strengthening of families with a focus on the rights and responsibilities of fathers, mothers and children. Yet in the world AIDS response, we are finding activists who oppose family.

There appears to be a decline in the number of church goers in the Christian faiths of the world. BBC reports a drop in Britain of children being baptised.

This may have many causes. Activists are telling children that there is no God and that the Bible is man-made. Marriage is being promoted as protecting the ownership of women at the hands of men. Marriage is for whoever wants it, law makers are now telling their citizens.

But the world is being divided on gay and lesbian rights. The Moslem nations are hardening their stance against single-sex marriage. The issue is being clouded by the increasing incidence of sexual violence against children at the hands of paedophiles.

The strength of family is being weakened by the availability of internet and mobile phone pornography. Children are being increasingly sexually focussed with a call from paedophiles to lower the age of consent.

Already the United Nations Charter of Children’s Rights tells parents and children that children have the right of association. But by the definition, "children" are under the age of consent.

There is a problem that has arisen in several churches, particularly the Catholic church with the institutionalised abuse of children by clergy. We can never guess how long this has been going on, perhaps hundreds of years.

Papua New Guinea suffers from a mass of modern social problems with many contradictions. There is the Personal Development study from Grades 6 to 12 on personal growth within the family. Please click:


Yet there is the ongoing incidence of cults in schools and the smoking of marijuana with drinking of homebrew by both boys and girls.

There was the murder of a young girl at Wild Life Reserve in Port Moresby who was involved in drinking with other school friends.

The overseas activists want to put all the blame on men and boys. But there are increasing numbers of girls in gangs on the streets. Some girls regard a good Saturday night out as having a fist fight with other girls.

We read in the media that women in the Highlands, Buka and the Papuan block in Lae making and selling homebrew. A report once referred to the role of girls selling beer and homebrew at the University of Technology.

A major problem in this country is the introduction of Universal Basic Education in which all children go on to Grade 12. Before, there were large numbers of children who dropped out of school. Now they just go on with no intention whatever to study.

They may form a large part of the groups who fight students from other schools. They intimidate the capable students and call them the equivalent of nerds.

Suddenly the leaders of the students may be violent drop-outs. The nerds just stay quiet afraid of being bashed. Study grinds to a halt while the fight leaders engage with their enemies from other schools. How can students have enemies?

There are contradictions in the family. Now men may not bash their wives. This is fair and inevitable. But there are now women who take advantage of this by bashing their husbands and complaining to the police if the men bash them back.

Foreign activists delight in the reports of men bashing their wives and molesting their daughters. They ignore that there are thousands of loving husbands and fathers in this country.

We read of sorcery killings with the constant accusation of foreign activists that it is gender based against women. This is totally false.  There are regularly media reports that men and women are being killed. The United Nations activists are trying to turn sorcery killing into a gender issue.

But the message that began with the AIDS awareness campaign in 2001 is that of Positive Living which has been deeply opposed by the foreign anti-family and anti-faith activists.

But the message remains though the care groups are afraid to use the term Positive Living in their public statements for fear of losing UN funding. Instead they talk to their people of lifestyle diseases and loving responsible families.

Foreign activists have ignored the AIDS message but focussed only on condoms, rights of women and girls with violence of men.

No mention of responsibilities of men, women and children. There is no God. God is man-made. No mention of faith. It is a creation of our ancestors. Marriage is man-made too. So adultery is OK if you want it. But I will kill you if you steal my gay boy friend.

Then on top of all that, we have the mega-cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes, tornados with droughts and famines, the result of global warming. It gets worse while the world money makers are unwilling to take a single step.

The greatest prophesy of the last century was the story of Superman. While the people of Krypton argued about the state of the planet, the father of Superman put him in a rocket and sent him away before final destruction.

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