A number of points arise from the reports below:
a. HIV takes a number of months to destroy the gut lining.
b. Diarrhoea follows after that.
c. Bacteria enters through the broken gut wall.
d. HIV forces into the gut.
e. The sooner treatment starts the better.
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a. HIV takes a number of months to destroy the gut lining.
b. Diarrhoea follows after that.
c. Bacteria enters through the broken gut wall.
d. HIV forces into the gut.
e. The sooner treatment starts the better.
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Fixing leaks in the gut may stall progression of HIV
- 28 May 2014
- Magazine issue 2971. Subscribe and save
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PLUG the gut to stall HIV. It seems the virus damages the gut, allowing bacteria to leak out and spark an immune response, triggering many lethal diseases.
Ivona Pandrea at the University of Pittsburgh and colleagues gave a drug used to treat kidney disease, called sevelamer, to monkeys newly infected with the simian equivalent of HIV. The drug binds to bacteria, keeping them safely inside the gut. Those given the drug had a dramatically reduced immune response compared with a control group (Journal of Clinical Investigation,doi.org/swc).
Because an increased immune response triggers many lethal diseases in people with HIV, giving the drug to people soon after infection may prolong lives.
This article appeared in print under the headline "Fix leaky gut lining to slow HIV's attack"

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