Monday 16 January 2012


There has been a Tok Pisin tree on this blog for some time. The same technique has been used as being shown below. I have used the Bahasa tree for many years.

I first started at the RAAF School of Languages in Australia by arrangement with the Indonesian Department. There were several PNGDF officers studying Bahasa and were having difficulties. So I prepared a long extended list of Tok Pisin patterns with the Bahasa equivalent.

Bahasa Indonesia is a far more complex language than Tok Pisin with the verb forms, active and passive voice and the honorific titles. But the basic language is almost identical. It takes a Bahasa/Tok Pisin teacher to understand that.

I studied Bahasa Indonesia in 1973 for one year full time as a officer in the Australian Army. I was only an average student. But after graduation, I was posted to Papua New Guinea. On return and after working teaching Tok Pisin for 3 years, I completed a two week Bahasa refresher course in 1981.

The assessment was that my fluency in Bahasa had improved considerably though I had never used it. The reason I am sure was that my fluency in Bahasa was floating along on Tok Pisin patterns.

Like Tok Pisin, Bahasa is best approached with the starts of the sentences.


Saya (Aku)  I
orang Indonesia
(am an Indonesian person)
berasal dari Jakarta
(come from Jakarta)
anggota angatan bersenjata
(am a member of the armed forces)
tinggal di Bandung
(live in Bandung)
bekerja di Yunivesitas
(work at the university)
sudah bekerja selama lima tahun
(have worked for five years)
(I am married)
ada dua anak
(have two children)

Siapa? Who?

orang itu?
(is that person)
(is he?)
orang yang duduk di sana?
(is the person sitting over there?)
orang yang sakit itu?
(is that sick person?)
(am I?)
yang bekerja di halaman rumah?
{is that working in the house yard?)
yang akan berjalan ke kota?
(will travel to town?}
yang akan berjalan-kaki?
(will walk?)
yang akan naik bis?
(will catch a bus?)
yang sedang menyanyi?
(is singing?)

Kapan? when?

kamu mau makan?
(will you eat?)
saya boleh berangkat?
(may I leave?)
kereta api akan tiba?
(will the train arrive?)
makan kita selasai?
(did our food finish?)
dia datang?
(did he come?)
mereka akan mulai?
(will they begin?)

Ada  There is/are
Is there/are there?

orang di sana.
(a person there)
dua orang Indonesia
(two Indonesian persons)
dua anak yang sakit.
(two children sick)
babi di kebun
(a pig in the garden)
berapa anak di situ?
(how many children over there?)
beberapa anak.
(several children)
dua anak saja.
(just two children)

Tidak ada/Tiada There is not
There are not.

banyak hal yang penting
(a lot of important matters)
orang yang mau bersama saya
(a person who wants to accompany me)
kesulitan dengan orang yang sakit itu
(a difficulty with that sick person)
banyak makanan untuk dijual
( a lot of food to be sold)
apa apa
(nothing at all)
minuman sama sekali
(not any food whatever)

Jangan - Don’t

naik bis
(catch a bus)
sebegitu sombong
(be so arrogant)

Dilarang - It is forbidden to

minum minuman keras
(drink hard liquor)
berjalan di rumput
(walk on the grass)
masuk ke dalam gereja
(enter the church)
makan atau minum
(eat or drink)
membuka pintu
(open the window)

Marilah kita  Let us

pergi ke kota
(go to town)
makan nasi
(eat rice)
bersama orang tua
(accompany the old person)
kembali ke kelas
(return to class)
memasak makanan dulu
(cook the food first)
mulai nanti
(begin later)

Kelihatannya - It seems as if

anak itu sakit
(that child is sick)
hari akan hujan
(it will rain)
mobil saya rusak
(my car is damaged)
tiada hal yang sebegitu penting
(there is no problem that is so important)
dia lupa
(he /she forgot)
mereka tidak begitu senang
(there are not too calm)
toko itu kehabisan makanan
(that shop is out of food)
mereka terlambat
(they were late)
mereka tidak begitu terlambat
(they were not too late)

Bolehkah saya - May I?

kembali ke rumah?
(return to the house?)
pulang dengan anak saya?
(go home with my child?)
mulai sekarang?
(start now?)
mandi di sungai?
(bathe in the river?)
naik mobil ke pasar?
(go by car to the market?)
bersama anak-anak ke sekolah
(accompany the children to school?)

Bagaimana – How?

kamu akan kembali ke desa?
(will you return to the village?)
dia lekas sembuh?
(did he become quickly well?)
jendela itu pecak?
(how was that window smashed?)
anak anak?
(are the children?)
sungai yang banjir?
(is the flooded river?)
(are you?)

Di mana – where is/are?

orang itu?
(that person?)
anak saya
(my child?)
perempuan yang cantik itu?
(that beautiful woman?)
desa keluarga kamu?
(your family village?)
desa di atas bukit?
(the village on the hill?)
kantong di bawah meja
(the bag under the desk?)
rumah di sebelah kanan?
(house on the right hand side?
gedung di sebelah kiri?
(building on the left hand side?)

Ada –exists – i stap

Saya ada di atas gunung
( I am on the top of the mountain)
(Mi stap antap long maunden)
Mereka ada di bawah pohon.
(They are under the tree)
Siapa yang ada di sana?
(Who is over there?)
Siapa yang ada di dalam sumur?
(Who is inside the well?)

Masih ada –there are still

banyak orang yang belum makan.
(many people who have not yet eaten)
dua pelajar yang belum selesai
(two students who have not yet finished)
beberapa anak yang akan datang
(several children who will come)

Saya kira bahwa - I reckon that

saya akan kembali
(I will return)
ini keadaan yang semakin genting
(this is a situation that is increasingly critical)
hari ini agak sejuk
(this day is quite cool)
ekonomi sedunai semakin buruk
(the economy of the world is increasingly bad)
semua pelajar akan tamat
(all students will graduate)
teman saya sudah pulang
(my friend has already gone home)
kita tersesat
(we  are lost)
orang itu tewas di jalan
(that person was killed on the road)
dia meninggal di rumah sakit
(he died at the hospital)
orang tua itu berumur sedikit-sedikitnya 80 tahun
(that old person is at least 80 years old)

Lebih baik kalau – It would be better if

kita tidur sekarang
(we sleep now)
saya membuka pintu
(I open the door)
berita disiarkan sebelum jam 8 pagi
(the news is broadcast before 8 oclock morning)
semua pegawai beristirahat dulu
(all the workers rested first)
pintu dibuka
(the door is opened)
aku menulis surat
(I write a letter)

Sebetulnya – as a matter of fact

tugas saya sudah selesai
(my task is finished)
ada beberapa hal yang mesti dibicarakan
(there are several matters that have to be discussed)
masih ada banyak makanan yang belum dimakan
(there is still much food not yet eaten)
selalu ada beberapa anak yang sakit
(there is always several children sick)
kita selalu menikmati liburan di pantai
(we always enjoy a holiday at the beach)
mereka mesti bekerja keras
(they must work hard)

Kenapa –why?

mobil saya rusak?
(my car is damaged?)
pintu ini terbuka
(this door is open)
anak-anak belum tiba?
(the children have not yet arrived?)
dia sebegitu marah?
was he so angry?
kamu tidak mau ikut saya?
(do you not want to accompany me?)
dua penjarawan baru lolos?
(did the two prisoners recently escape?)
makanan sudah habis?
(the food already finished?)

Itu –That is

Itu buku
(That’s a book)
Itu buku saya
(That’s my book)
Itu bukan buku
(That’s not a book)
Itu bukan buku saya
(That’s not my book)
Apa itu?
(What is that?)
Itu buku yang lazim dibaca
(That is a book that is commonly read)
Apakah itu buku?
(Is that a book?)
Saya kurang pasti
(I am not sure)
Saya kurang pasti tentang buku ini
(I am not too sure about this book)
Itu buku yang besar dan agak menarik
(That is a book that is large and quite attractive)
Kamu sudah membaca buku ini?
(Have you already read this book?)
Buku ini sudah kamu baca?
(Has this book been read by you?)
Itu apa macam buku?
(It is what kind of book?)
Itu buku tentang sejarah Indonesia
(It is a book about the history of Indonesia)

More to come

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