Monday 2 January 2012


The new Minister for Health Hon Jamie Maxtone-Graham MP has announced a new policy of preventive health for the nation rather than a policy of seeking cures for diseases.
We have been reading his column in the Post Courier for over 3 years now. The basics of preventive health are there for all to see and based on nutrition and hygiene.
There will be more focus on fruit and vegetables, less on lamb flaps and chewing buai and less on factory processed food from the supermarket.
There would be more reticulated water to villages, improved sanitation in all villages, less toxic pollution in rivers and sea, more need for clean unpolluted fish in rivers and sea and removal of the conditions that breed cholera.
There would be greater focus on cultivation of fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts, more planting of the best varieties of oranges, stone fruit and apples in the colder climate of the highlands, more focus on plant security and caring for livestock.
There would need to be removal of the cultivation of marijuana and production of homebrew. The community should be aware of the damage to health and the onset of brain damage.
There would be a greater awareness of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, HIV/AIDS and infection with coccidian gut parasites.
Rice producers would need to place more emphasis on production of brown rice and the community to have greater awareness of health benefits.
Greater emphasis should be placed on family health and the importance of peace, love and respect.

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