Tuesday 24 January 2012


The questions below are the first stage in preparing an all-encompassing module in science. The topic of heat was chosen because heat is the life force of all existence.

The topic of heat was brainstormed to identify the widest possible range of questions on heat. This included the physiology of all life – plant and animal and the role of heat that comes from the sun. From heat sources come light.

We examine heat transfer, radiation of heat, the seasons, response of birds to the seasons, ocean currents, winds, rainfall,  breeding of fish and marine plant life, volcanoes, tectonic plates, infra red and ultra violet radiation, heating in machinery, friction and heat from asteroids entering the earth’s atmosphere.

A science course based on heat could well be appropriate for students in primary and high schools of Papua New Guinea.

To make study relevant for students in village schools, we could choose those aspects of science that are relevant to village life. The early course could be based on these.

These would include rainfall, winds, plants, photosynthesis, volcanoes, cold at high altitudes, construction of houses on the coast and in the highlands, animals, birds and human beings keeping warm and heat rising in rotting vegetables.

We could include also causes of fever, heat in the bodies of reptiles and mammals, cold at night, global warming, mosquitoes moving into the high altitudes, plants growing to the sun, snakes and lizards sleeping on rocks in the mid-morning sun,

There could also be birds sitting on eggs, feathers to keep the birds warm, physical exertion producing increased body heat and heat in engines.

What happens when we rub our hands together?
Why do we wear warm clothes?
Why do Arabs wear white clothes?
Why do some Arabs wear black clothes?
How does the sun affect our lives?
What effect do the seasons have on birds?
Do our bodies stay at the same temperature?
Why may our skin turn blue when we are cold?
Why is our skin red when we are hot or angry?
How does a hot air balloon work?
How does a balloon pilot make the balloon rise?
Why do many eagles build their nests on cliff faces?
How do eagles rise to the sky?
Why do they not fly at night?
Why do birds fluff their feathers at night when they sleep?
Where do baby birds sleep?
Why do mother birds build nests with sticks and soft feathers?
Do snakes, lizards and crocodiles stay at the same temperature?
Why do these reptiles sleep in the sunlight during the morning?
Do they usually sleep on rocks or wood?
Why do we have stones in a mumu?

Why do we make our cooking spoons from wood?
What is the difference in animal fur in cold and hot climates?
What keeps our bodies warm?
How did skin colour change in warm and hot climates?
How did hair change in warm and hot climates?
What happens to air when it becomes hot?
What happens to water when it boils?
How do birds keep their eggs warm?
Why do birds fly from Europe to Africa?
Why do they fly back again?
In what season do they fly down?
In what season do they fly back?
Explain how the seasons come?
Why do birds cross into Africa at the Strait of Gibraltar?
Why do birds like to fly across the land and not the sea?
What happens when a warm sea current meets a cold current?
What happens at the Dogger Bank in the North Sea?
Why do fish gather where the currents meet?
How does coral grow in the warm ocean?
How are atolls formed?
Why is there global warming?
What effect is global warming having on rainfall?
What is happening to the ice caps?
Why are mosquitoes coming to the highlands of Papua New Guinea?
How do the tuna migrate in the Pacific zone?
What happens to the temperature as we climb mountains?
What happens when we go down into deep mines?
What is the structure of the earth?
What is the ring of fire in the Pacific zone?
How did the continents move apart?
What is a volcano?
Why do we cook meat?
Why do we cook vegetables?
Is it good to eat raw meat?
What happens to the temperature of food as it rots?
If the school store is full of green vegetables, how do we stop it from rotting?
Why does our temperature rise as we become sick?
Why does temperature rise when we are angry?
When we run we become hot. How do we cool down?
Why do we sweat when we have been running?
Why do we drink plenty of water?
Is fever bad?
What happens to temperature when we are covered by a blanket?
Will temperature change if we cover a dead body?
How do we stop food from rotting?
What effect does freezing have on meat?
What happens to a body when it dies?
How do elephants keep cool?
How do dogs keep cool?
Why do we have to keep an engine cool?
How do we keep a car engine cool?
When we speed on the road what is the temperature of the tires?
What happens to asteroids on hitting earth’s atmosphere?
Do asteroids burn on hitting the moon?
What does our body need to live?
Why do children die if locked in a car that is left in the sun?
Why is our vision different from the vision of snakes?
What is a rainbow?
What happens to a can of soft drink when we put it on the fire?
How did early villagers make fire?

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