Wednesday 11 June 2014


Over recent months, I have suffered deep chest pain almost daily. It seemed to come after eating and the onset of stress. It has had me worried that the end was nigh. Please click:
But the diagnosis from the doctor was that I was suffering gastric reflux. We can work out the meaning from the latin word Fluo-fluxus  flow, re back and gas. It means gas flowing back from the stomach up the oesophagus or food pipe.
Having read the extensive reports on Google, I now can see that there is a sphincter at the start of the stomach and the end of the oesophagus. It is supposed to open and close at the stimulus of food. It keeps the food down in the stomach and stops the gastric fluids from flowing up.
But the sphincter may not close properly. The gastric fluids can enter the oesophagus and turn into gas that flows upwards causing excruciating pain in chest and throat.
The answer is not to take acidic foods and drinks. No more coffee and tea with caffeine, oranges and tomatoes taken with care, no more tight clothes and belts, plenty of water, no large meals, small meals often and no chocolate.
Milky fluids can be drunk with non acidic fruits and vegetables. I find that the best prevention is peanuts I buy at the markets. I chew the peanuts into mush that then seems to cover the stomach and oesophagus lining. Please click:

Gastroesophageal reflux disease: MedlinePlus Medical ...

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in which the
stomach contents (food or liquid) leak backwards from the stomach
into the esophagus (the ...

Further browsing on Google has produced reports on the medicinal value of Apple Cider Vinegar which has to be taken in water daily to stop the opening of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter that allows food and acid to come up the esophagus or foodpipe. Please click:

Vinegar and Acid Reflux - Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits
Frequent or constant heartburn however can be a serious problem and
is the most common symptom of gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Ref: Mayo ...
One reports suggests two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, morning and night. I bought a bottle and took my dose. It seems to work. Time will tell.

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