Monday 4 April 2011


There are those in Papua New Guinea who have assumed
that Positive Living is a message composed by AIDS Holistics
and have even demanded to see the research that validates the

Positive Living has been a world message for centuries but in
different forms. We read of FAMILY, FAITH and NUTRITION
in Scripture.

Positive Living is very much part of the AIDS message in Thailand
and Zambia, to name but two nations. The Thai message has a
Buddhist basis of adherence to a correct lifestyle of NUTRITION

Those of us who read women’s magazines know of importance of
DIET and EXERCISE that has become strong in the last 40 years.

PARENTING and MARRIAGE have long appeared in women’s
magazines. We are becoming aware of RIGHTS of men, women
and children. But we also understand that for every RIGHT there

We are becoming experts on the importance of ENZYMES and
VITAMINS in unprocessed and uncooked food rather that from
bottles and supermarket shelves. Doctors have written columns
to advise the need for PEACE and LOVE. We need to avoid
STRESS that damages our health.

Books have been written on the importance of clean WATER. A
recent book told the reader that we are not sick just thirsty.

We all know of the dangers of SMOKING tobacco and marijuana.
Even now there are cigarette companies that deny that smoking is
a health hazard.

There are those foolish people wanting MARIJUANA to be legalized.
They should come to PNG to see the demented young men who have
smoked the virulent strain of marijuana grown in PNG and smuggled to
Australia. We only have one brain.

We are very much aware of the health dangers of alcohol in damage to
the body. For people with HIV/AIDS, alcohol and smoking can be the
last straw.

Positive Living has been with us for so long. We all know the importance
that society and the churches place on FAMILY and FAMILY VALUES.
That is the very basis of societies.

Positive Living is not an invention of AIDS Holistics. At the Chiang Mai
AIDS conference in 2001, Positive Living was one of the four key agenda

A contributor to the conference was DIPUO BOGATSU of Tanzania who
promoted as an HIV infected person, a very heart warming message of
family Positive Living. She still lives by her message and is now a
Commonwealth Ambassador for Positive Living.

Interview with Dipuo Bogatsu - Global Health Council - Publications
The Global Health Council is the world's largest membership alliance dedicated
to saving lives by improving health throughout the world. - Cached - Similar

Positive living has been a key to the South African AIDS response,
particularly the importance of NUTRITION.

Unfortunately the message was blurred by the policy of the then
President Mbeki who claimed that there was no link between HIV
and AIDS. His insights came from chicken bones in the dirt. ARV
drugs are a key supplement to Positive Living. Let us hope that the
South African people have not now missed the point.

But the message has had a very rough passage in Papua New
Guinea as the result of opposition from AusAID and UN advisors
who demanded that there be no focus on FAMILY and FAITH.
It was all to be about “hanging loose” as a nation of individuals
who reject FAMILY and FATHERS.

If you want to do it then it is OK. There is no morality and
anyone who stops you is discriminating. Even paedophiles
are claiming discrimination because of laws against sex
with children. What is the world coming to?

North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile
and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States that works to
abolish age of - Cached -

But they have all been overtaken by the message that is being
embraced by care groups and churches. Recently, AIDS
Holistics attended a workshop for clergy and presented the
Positive Living message.

There is no dispute that PNG is a FAMILY nation. There is
violence in families but more loving HUSBANDS /FATHERS
than violent ones.

There are more loving and caring WIVES /MOTHERS than
violent ones. The message of Positive Living is part of the
nation though different groups focus in different ways. It is a
basic strategy to focus on the positive.


Negative living                                      4 years or less
Positive Living without ARV drugs     10-12 years
ARV drugs without Positive Living      unknown
ARV drugs with Positive Living           20 + years

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