Monday 25 April 2011


Post Courier 26 April 2011 Johnny Poiya

The title above is the headline for an article on violence towards
women. It was based on a visit of the Regional Program Director
of Fiji-based UNWOMEN once known as UNIFEM with the PNG
nick-name of ANTIFAM.

I have watched old movies about undead coming out of graves at
midnight but have never before heard of unwomen.

The report based on her visit to one solitary hospital refers to the
crimes against women in this country which give PNG one of the
worst reputations in the world. She once went to the Sepik and
wrote a book on selling young women in the vanilla trade. It was
debunked by a Government minister.

She reported that doctors documented every brutal crime against
women like rape, poking hot metals into bodies, serious wounds
and other assaults presented to the police but nothing was done
against the perpetrators.

She said it is about for authorities to say enough is enough. The
international community can not believe that such atrocities are
committed in this country.

It is true that there is violence against women. We have to balance
this against the Seventh Day Adventist report that 36% of families
have violence. That means 64% of families have love and caring.

When this Director was the Care and Counselling officer in the
National HIV/AIDS response she had a fierce lesbian hatred of
family, marriage and men.

She worked to set up the koap scandal and promote the wholesale
distribution of condoms. She ignored the advice of churches. Now
in this report she blames the churches for doing nothing. Churches
can not win against the unwomen.

She wants to set up women’s power in this nation but without any
consultation with men. She wants confrontation and break-down of

She will be the weak link in the chain in the setting up the 24 special
seats in parliament for PNG women. She will turn women’s rights into
conflict and ignore reality that over 60% of men support the rights of

Sorry they are not part of the agenda. We unwomen want them to be
the enemy. What about family? Sorry we do not recognise family. Or
men. Or marriage.

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