Thursday 28 April 2011


At present, there a person in the country to make a documentary on
the rights of women in the highlands and violence of men. So we are
getting advance publicity by claims about violence towards women
and girls.

The person visited the Kundiawa hospital and reported on women
having red hot metal and wires inserted into private parts, pressing
wires against their skin, pouring hot water on them, chopping parts
of their bodies, throwing them down cliffs and toilet pits, setting their
houses on fire while they are inside and maiming them for life.

Claims were made that 70% of surgery patients are sorcery related
and other violations against women. But much of the sorcery violence
is against men.

We are being told that women and girls are slaves of men. Publicity
has even inspired an editorial in the Post Courier on the fact that men
are being paid to work on their own land. This is not really true. They
just want the money once produce is sold. That would apply across
the world.

What the head of UNWOMEN is saying does not apply to the men
and women of the nation but mainly to sesearch in Enga province. The
documentary may make wider claims of the nation. The claim is made
that this is making PNG a laughing stock in the world.

The head of UNWOMEN has a record in PNG of unprofessionalism,
lying and cheating. A few years ago, the person wrote a book on girls
being sold as part of the vanilla trade. The issue was never heard again
after being debunked by a Government Minister.

Claims are that the medical officers have reported violence to police but
no action is taken, This is false on the basis that the complaint has to
be made by the victim. Have any complaints been made to the Police
Family Violence Unit? That brings problems of its own.

We have a tendency for false reports by women involved in women’s
rights. A few years ago, a well known unscrupulous PLWHIV woman
made the claim that she witnessed women with HIV/AIDS being buried

This hit the world press. But when the police followed it up, she could not
remember the village where the graves were to be found.

Answer to violence against women is to appeal to men, starting with
the good men who act as role models. Failing that the law should be
strengthened. But then the women can not be protected in their
village 24/7.

But the head of unwomen will want to focus only on women and girls.
All men are enemy. All men are bastards even the kind, loving family
men who are in the majority.

A documentary is to be made on the conditions in markets for women.
So there will be talk of dirty toilets, no breast feeding rooms for mothers,
few clean water taps. What’s new? Even toilets in hospitals and airports
are filthy.

Little detail will be shown on the basis that the women will be punished
once the documentary comes out.

There will be a major focus on violence of men to women, no focus on
violence of women to men, women to women, lesbian expatriate women
to girls and mothers, aunties and step-mothers to children. That is not part
of the lesbian agenda.

Of course there is violence to women in the highlands. But this can mainly
be solved by addressing men and boys. Lesbians do not want to do that.
They want to start a war. Where will that get us?

The road to men and boys will be long and hard. The matter will not be
helped by foreign lesbians shouting accusations and ignoring the basics
of the problems of men and boys becoming men.

They must seek the help of good men and boys who are in the majority.

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