Sunday, 12 February 2012



The demise of the gay and lesbian agenda in Papua New Guinea was a slow process. But it moved forward with precision and determination.

When the axe fell on the consultants in 2011, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth behind the scenes. But the Australian gays and lesbians had only themselves to blame.
They had thought that a take-over of Papua New Guinea would be a push-over. The blackfellas would be far too stupid to know what was going on until it was too late.
The Howard Government would just be giving money for the privatized foreign aid and then let them do what they want.
With a regular diet of fake post reports, the gay and lesbian agenda would be firmly in place within 5 years. It would all be in the name of violence against women and rights of women, boys and girls. The nation would be showered with condoms.
AusAID would be a push-over with the steady infiltration of gays and lesbians. Privatized aid gave the opportunity for gays and lesbians to dominate.
Perhaps AIDS Holistics brought it all unstuck. It all started with an Australian whose son and his mother were dying of AIDS. He opened a campaign in 2002 to promote Positive Living with HIV/AIDS, little realizing that this ran totally counter to the secret gay and lesbian anti-family agenda.
He was bullied by the AusAID gays and lesbians in their effort to stop the message. They did not oppose Positive Living as such. It was just that they wanted no reference to FAMILY and FAITH. But the founder of AIDS Holistics refused to comply. The battle lines were set.
These people moved quickly. They tried to set up AIDS Holistics with the hope that if they threw enough mud, some would stick. They have been using this approach for a decade but have found that no mud has stuck.
The founder of AIDS Holistics has a boring and simple life. He looks after two daughters and regrets deeply that he can not visit his children in Australia. He does not go out at night. He has lived as a single parent for ten years.
But he was ready to fight back. In 2004, he started a website that explained to the world the importance of family, physiology of HIV/AIDS and the importance of Positive Living. As well, he reported on the corruption of Australian gays and lesbians.
By now, AIDS Holistics had been banned. The gays and lesbians used their influence in the Department of Labour to block a work permit for the founder. That meant that this small NGO was denied funding from AusAID and the UN.
He has struggled over a decade. His military pension was supplemented by a little work in trekking Kokoda and helping organizations with training.

He has never found himself in trouble with the Government. The work of AIDS Holistics seemed to be known at all levels. The founder was once told that he is seen as a friend of the country and would not be deported. He wishes to have a work permit but can not afford to do so.
Opportunities came to pass the message to the Australian Government. The founder once trekked Kokoda with a group of Australian trade unionists and federal politicians. After military briefings at night came the opportunity on a number of occasions to outline gay and lesbian corruption.
In about 2008, there were discussions between the Foreign Minister Kevan Rudd and the PNG Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare on the direction of Australian aid. The input of AIDS Holistics must have been part of the discussion.
The gay and lesbian lobby made a massive miscalculation in the decision to conduct three hate mail attacks in 2004, 2005 and 2011. The readership of emails was not wide but still set them up for their final demise.
The first attack was from several e-mailers with false names. They were Gitte Bendt, Father Reyne, Highlands Health, Janet Copeland and Forensic psychologist UCLA. Their theme was that the founder of AIDS Holistics was a violent abuser of women and children.
Forensic psychologist explained to all that the founder of AIDS Holistics had all the characteristics of a serial killer. All he was doing at the time was caring for two daughters and two people dying of AIDS.
Father Reyne wanted him to repent for the damage he had done to family through his violence and sexual abuse. Janet Copeland pretended to be my sister who abused me for violence in Australia and stealing from the United Church.
Father Reyne stopped writing when he was asked his order, parish and Bishop. Janet Copeland stopped writing when it was pointed out her name was Janice. It was fun while it lasted.
The second attack came in 2011. This took place in the context of the cut back in funding by the Australian Government. It was a desperate rear guard action by gays and lesbians to reverse the decision to reduce the number of Australian consultants.
They did not seem too bright. They were M_Aret, the Real Bruce Copeland, Brucie’s mummy. They were abusive and ugly and must surely have given a foul impression to Canberra. The Foreign Minister was quietly on the email list reading of the misconduct of people representing Australia.
They were getting nowhere with their hate mail. So gay Professor Toole and a lesbian doctor from Melbourne came into the abuse.
They told all that the founder was obsessive and anally fixated. Free unsolicited diagnosis for public awareness. Never trust the professionalism of gay and lesbian activists. 
It is hard to find good help these days. They were most abusive about a report on women with HIV infection. They probably still believe the 18th century medical view that disease was caused by the vapours.
The report below is based on the question of how long it takes for the virus to be engulfed by the mucosa in the vagina of a woman.

If it takes several minutes or ½ an hour, it may be possible for the woman to remove the virus by water. There has to be hope for women too far away from Health centres to receive ARV rape medicine within 12 hours.
If instantaneously engulfed, we have all learned a little. A humble teacher of biology seems to have more professional objectivity here than a gaggle of homosexual doctors.

That did not seem to work. So then Jackson of the blog PNG Attitude decided that it was time for a really big man to intervene. That was Jackson himself, key media protector of gays and paedophiles.
He told readers that Copeland was a danger to public health and that AIDS Holistics should be shut down. That should impress Kevan Rudd and bring back funding for gay and lesbian advisors.
He fancied himself as a heavy in the Australian Labor Party. One word from him and the ALP would jump. It did not happen. His hate campaign did him more harm than good. It lost him more readers to his blog, especially those who respected the AIDS Holistics message.
The third attack came in 2012 with hate reports on internet. These were false reports focused on the founder and fantasies of cyberstalking several unknown women in Australia and PNG.
But now the tide has turned. The O’Neill/Namah Government is making moves to reduce the entry of paedophiles into Papua New Guinea.
Even the Somare camp has acknowledged that paedophilia is one of the four major international crimes. Awareness is the first step. PNG is ceasing to be a sexually soft target country.
The Australian gays, lesbians and paedophiles have overplayed their hand. They should have tried to set up their agenda and still allow the promotion of family.

They were too greedy. But they knew that the promotion of strong families would mean fewer boys and girls on the streets and in the night-clubs.
It was not as if the Australian Government was seeking to discriminate as the homosexual activist lobby would claim.
The gay and lesbian advisors were not the only group to have been cut back. But they did not help themselves with their unbridled corruption and misuse of Australian taxpayers’ money.

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